Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista, Coahuila: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista in Coahuila, Mexico is a haunted hotspot for paranormal activity and it's full of secrets, scary stories, and ancient history. From its haunted Corridors to its forgotten secrets, explore the stories and history of a place that is known to the locals as "The House of Death".

Horror Story of Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista, Coahuila
, Mexico
Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista was once a flourishing place of worship, with priests and nuns living in the safety of its walls. But the happy days were not to last, as tragedy befell the convent one night.
It is said that the Devil arrived in the form of a man in a black cloak with a strange staff. His presence brought evil and terror to the convent. He possessed the minds and bodies of innocent people. Those unable to fend him off were doomed to become the cloister’s permanent denizens of agony.
Those who did survive the harrowing experience soon fled, leaving the doors to the former convent closed for eternity. Those brave enough to open them often hear the wailing of souls inside. It is said that shadows wander the halls and shadows lurk in the corridors, waiting to pounce upon unsuspecting visitors.
Tales of mysterious creatures made of shadow have been reported by those brave enough to stay overnight at Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista. Some say these creatures are embodiments of the all the evil that dwells within the former sanctuary. Many warn never to venture there for fear of coming face to face with the monstrous inhabitants of the cursed place.
History & Information of Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista, Coahuila
The Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista is a former Roman Catholic convent located in the city of Saltillo in the Mexican state of Coahuila. The convent was founded in 1664 by friars of the Order of Saint John of God. It served as the residence of Dr. César Andrade, who is considered to be the father of Saltillo and was the first mayor of the city. The convent was funded by the local Salitillenese, who paid the construction costs.
The building is one of the oldest in Saltillo, and its first floor was built in the Baroque style. The building has had several renovations and expansions through the years, including the addition of an upper floor in the neoclassical style. The building still retains its chapel, which is also used as a cultural center.
The convent is now home to the state's administrative offices of Coahuila and is open to the public. It also serves as a venue for cultural events and hosts exhibitions throughout the year. The building also features a 16th-century statue of San Juan Bautista.
The convent is considered to be an important cultural landmark in Saltillo and is recognized as one of the city's most prominent historical sites. It is a symbol of the city's rich history and culture and has become an important tourist attraction.
Paranomial Activity of Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista, Coahuila
The Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista in Coahuila, Mexico, is a spiritual and historical place of immense importance to the local community and beyond. It is home to numerous activities, some of which are unique to this ancient convent and are quite interesting.
•One activity at Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista is the annual "Noche de Vigilia". It is a night filled with candlelight procession, music, prayer, and speeches from the local parish priest. This activity is usually held close to Easter and draws a large number of people from the community to show their devotion to the convent and the Catholic faith.
• Another popular activity at Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista is the traditional ritual that is conducted during the Feast of San Francisco de Asís, which is a patron saint of the convent. During this ritual, visitors dress in traditional colonial-style clothing and take part in prayer and singing. All the participants then share typical Mexican food and celebrate the patron saint of the convent with fervor and devotion.
• Furthermore, Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista is known for its local folk dance performances that are regularly held in the convent's courtyard. These dances are usually quite cheerful and vibrant, involving traditional choreography and costumes. It is a must-see for anyone who is interested in cultural Mexican traditions and its music.
•Every year, it also hosts an exquisite Christmas celebration. This celebration features a market of handmade crafts and regional delicacies, festive decorations, and amazing traditional cuisine. Throughout the days leading up to Christmas, locals and tourists alike enjoy special religious services and caroling in the loved Ex-Convento.After the mysterious death, this place is declared haunted.
Experience of people & Reviews of Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista, Coahuila
The Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista in Coahuila is a historical building with an incredible story to tell. The building itself dates back to the 17th century, when it was first established by Spanish Franciscan monks as a place of worship. Today, it serves as a museum, allowing visitors to experience a piece of local history as well as the culture of the region.
Many visitors enjoy the Ex-convento’s architecture, which is both unique and charming. Not only does it boast an impressive baroque-style facade, but also features a quaint patio, as well as a chapel. Inside, visitors can explore the various artifacts on display, such as various documents, religious items, and old photographs.
In addition, many reviews of the Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista sing its praises. Those who have visited the museum describe the experience as both inspiring and educational. They also report being in awe of the vast amount of historical artifacts on display, and the care and attention put into the preservation of the museum’s contents.
Overall, those who have visited the Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista have overwhelmingly positive experiences. They appreciate the venue’s unique history and architecture, as well as its cultural significance. Furthermore, visitors find it to be both educational and inspiring, giving them an appreciation of local history. If you’re in search of a place to explore and learn, then the Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista is worth a visit.
FAQ'S of Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista, Coahuila
Q: When was the Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista built?
A: The Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista was built in the 17th century.
Q: What type of architecture is found in the Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista?
A: The Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista is a baroque-style building, built with quarried stone and topped with a roof made of traditional tiles.
Q: What type of art can be found in the Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista?
A: Inside the Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista you will find paintings of Mexico’s colonial era, as well as antique sculptures and furniture.
Q: What is the main attraction of the Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista?
A: The main attraction of the Ex-Convento de San Juan Bautista is its spectacular gardens, which feature a variety of plants and trees as well as seating areas and a fountain.This house is the most haunted place in the world.

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