The Monastery of Hozoviotissa, Amorgos: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

The Monastery of Hozoviotissa, located on the Greek island of Amorgos, is an ancient structure with a history full of horror, mystery, and paranormal activity. It is believed to have been built in the 10th century and is known to be the oldest and most important monastery on the island. This blog will explore its mysterious past, its haunted reputation, and the unexplained paranormal activity associated with it.

Horror Story of The Monastery of Hozoviotissa, Amorgos
The Monastery of Hozoviotissa, Amorgos, was believed to have been built over 1000 years ago by monks seeking refuge from the emperor who wanted to wipe out Christianity. It stands majestically atop a 300m sheer cliff overlooking the Aegean sea. For many years, the monastery was left untouched by time – until a group of tourists decided to explore its mysterious depths.
When the tourists first ventured into its dark halls, they were met with a mysterious silence; no sound of chanting or prayers came resonating from its walls. As they moved further in, they began to find strange artifacts that seemed out of place. Murals in the walls depicted strange creatures, representing what is believed to be fallen angels.
The deeper they explored, the more it became apparent that something sinister was lurking within the shadows of the monastery. As they reached the deepest chambers, they discovered a forgotten crypt – and within, the skeletal remains of the last monks who had been sent there to guard something.
As they continued on their journey, they soon came to realize why the monastery had been abandoned so long ago. People had gone mad trying to uncover its secrets, and now the demons and monsters that lurked in its depths were not letting anyone leave. Panic-stricken, the tourists ran for their lives and managed to escape – never to return.
But the tales of The Monastery of Hozoviotissa, Amorgos spread quickly, leaving many people wondering what kind of secrets it held and the horrors that still lurk within its walls.
History & Information of The Monastery of Hozoviotissa, Amorgos
The Monastery of Hozoviotissa is a Greek Orthodox monastery on the island of Amorgos in the Cyclades. The monastery was founded in the 10th century by the Emperor Alexios I Komnenos and is believed to have been built on the remains of a more ancient temple. It is one of the oldest monasteries in the Aegean and is one of the few surviving religious sites of the Middle Ages.
The monastery's chief relic is said to be a fragment of the Holy Cross, which was given to Alexios by the Byzantine Patriarch, Sisinnius. In the 11th and 12th centuries the monastery became a centre for religious learning, attracting scholars such as the renowned theologian Niketas Stethatos, who wrote several works related to theology and philosophy. In the 14th century, the monastery was restored by the Venetian Marino Querini. In 1797 the monastery was sacked by the Ottoman Turks but was later restored to its former glory.
The monastery is also known for its icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is said to have miraculous powers. The icon was brought to the monastery in 1688 by a sailor from Istanbul and is believed to have saved the monastery from destruction during the Ottoman occupation.
Today the Monastery of Hozoviotissa is a popular tourist attraction and it has a gift shop, café, restaurant and hostel. It is also home to a small community of monks who live and work in the monastery.
Paranomial Activity of The Monastery of Hozoviotissa, Amorgos
The Monastery of Hozoviotissa, located on the Greek island of Amorgos, is an active monastery that has been around since the 10th century. The monastery has undergone many changes over the years and is known for its architectural beauty and spiritual activity. It is still home to several dozen monks and nuns who dedicate their time to religious studies and contemplation.
The interior of the monastery is filled with iconography and art dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Virgin Mary’s lineage, and the saints who serve her. This iconography helps visitors to experience the monastery’s inspirational energy. Additionally, there are various parabolic activities that take place within the walls of the monastery. These activities often include readings and meditations, pilgrimages, religious service, prayer, and fasting.
The Monastery of Hozoviotissa is a vibrant part of the spiritual community in Greece, and it is also a popular tourist attraction on the island of Amorgos. For those interested in exploring the spiritual aspect of the monastery, there are many opportunities. Visitors can explore the intricately carved iconography, meditate in quiet contemplation, or take part in the various religious services offered. For those looking for a more hands-on experience, there are often workshops and lectures held on topics such as spirituality, meditation, and other related subjects. Alternatively, visitors can take part in the series of holy pilgrimages that lead to various sacred sites around the monastery.
All of these activities have the potential to be deeply transformative experiences, allowing visitors to connect with their spiritual selves and the beauty and mystery of the Monastery of Hozoviotissa.
Experience of people & Reviews of The Monastery of Hozoviotissa, Amorgos
The Monastery of Hozoviotissa situated atop steep cliff-face on the small Greek island of Amorgos is one of the oldest monasteries in the Cyclades. Built in the 10th century, it's a popular tourist attraction. Visitors frequently comment on its stunning location, beautiful architecture, and unique vibe.
Many people who have visited the monastery say that the experience of being there was incredibly spiritual and humbling. They report a feeling of awe and reverence, as if they had stepped back in time. The view from the cliffs of Amorgos is breathtaking and provides a feeling of peace and serenity. One visitor wrote that the view left her “breathless,” while another said it “transported him to another world.”
The interior of the monastery is just as awe-inspiring as the exterior. The architecture is unique and has been left in its original form. Every detail of the building has been carefully preserved and displays incredible craftsmanship. Many visitors have observed that the monastery is imbued with a feeling of holiness, and offer to take their time in exploring every corner of the building.
The experience of visiting the Monastery of Hozoviotissa is one that leaves a lasting impression, and visitors often take away a feeling of peace and gratitude. It's a beautiful and unique experience that provides insight into the past and provides spiritual enlightenment.
FAQ'S of The Monastery of Hozoviotissa, Amorgos
Q: What is The Monastery of Hozoviotissa?
A: The Monastery of Hozoviotissa is an 11th-century Greek Orthodox monastery located on the island of Amorgos in the Aegean Sea. It is the oldest Byzantine monastery in the Cyclades islands.
Q: How do I get to the monastery?
A: The monastery is located on the remote hillside of Amorgos Island, about 10 kilometres from the main port and town. The easiest way to reach the monastery is to take a taxi or vehicle from the port.
Q: What are the opening hours for the monastery?
A: The monastery is open daily from 09:00 until 18:00.
Q: Are there any entrance fees to visit the monastery?
A: Entrance to the monastery is free, however, donations are appreciated.
Q: Are there any other nearby attractions?
A: Near the monastery is Hiking Path E4 which leads from Katapola to Aigiali. There is also the city of Chora with its adjacent cemetery, the Byzantine church of Agia Triada, and the 12th century Venetian castle.

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