The Island of Spinalonga, Crete: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Ever heard of The Island of Spinalonga off the Greek island of Crete? With a haunted past of former leper colony, this hidden gem has too many type of experiences and stories within its walls - from a horror and mystery to the history and paranormal activities. Today, let's explore what this island has to offer!

Horror Story of The Island of Spinalonga, Crete
The Isle of Spinalonga, located off the coast of Crete, has long been known as a place of mystery and superstition. Legend says that the isle was cursed by a powerful witch who brought a wave of woe upon its inhabitants.
Now, stories of ghostly apparitions haunt the desolate island. Some even say that the dead wander the island's small paths in search of the witch who cursed them.
On rare occasions, those brave enough to travel to Spinalonga are said to hear unearthly singing and long, forlorn laments that seem to echo off the rocky cliffs. There are also reports of strange lights and apparitions dancing among the ruins late at night.
Those who choose to stay and are fortunate enough to survive the adventures that await them on the isle have been known to return with tales of magical creatures, powerful spirits, and even creatures from the depths of the ocean.
But beware, the isle can only be crossed by true believers. It's said those who do not believe the witches tales are cursed and banished from the island immediately, never to return again. Those who do believe and make it across the sea intact, tell tales of wracked nerves and sleepless nights, plagued by the fear of stepping one wrong step and being cursed forever.
History & Information of The Island of Spinalonga, Crete
Spinalonga is a small island located off the coast of Crete, in the Aegean Sea. It has a rich history, being first controlled by the Venetians in the 16th century and then by the Ottoman Empire until 1903 when it was ceded to the autonomous Cretan State. In the same year, it was decided that the island would host a leprosarium due to the rising number of lepers in Crete. As such, lepers from the surrounding areas were transferred to the island of Spinalonga where they built their own little community and lived in relative isolation from the mainland.
The leper colony was active until 1957 when the last inhabitant left the island. In 1962, Spinalonga was declared an archaeological site by the Greek Government and it is now a popular tourist destination as well as a place of historical interest. Visitors to the island can see the remnants of both the old leper colony and the Venetian fortifications that were constructed to repel foreign invasions. The island also features several churches, a windmill, several cemeteries, old houses and a lighthouse.
The story of the Island of Spinalonga and its former denizens has been the subject of numerous books, films, and television shows. It was the focus of Victoria Hislop's 2005 best-selling novel The Island as well as the 2010 feature film adaptation of the same name. It has also been depicted in the popular television series The Durrells and in the 2018 mini-series named after the island itself.
In 2021 Spinalonga and its history were included in Unesco’s Memory of the World Register, an important recognition for a place that was once full of suffering but is now a popular tourist destination. Among the top 10 most haunted places in the world, this haunted house is one of the scariest.
Paranomial Activity of The Island of Spinalonga, Crete
The island of Spinalonga, Crete, is a fascinating and unique site of historical importance and cultural significance. It is mostly known today as the former site of a sprawling leper colony, which operated from 1903 until 1957. Over the years, the island has become a popular tourist destination in the Mediterranean Sea due to its unique landscape, rich history, and archeological importance. The island has a number of attractions that offer visitors a chance to experience its culture and beauty.
1. Water Sports: One of Spinalonga’s most popular activities is water sports. The crystal clear waters and well-maintained beaches make it ideal for a variety of activities such as sailing, kayaking, swimming, and snorkeling.
2. Sightseeing: Many of the buildings on the island are open to the public and provide for an interesting exploration of the island’s history. Much of the original buildings remain from the days of the leper colony, including a hospital, a quarantine area, and a fort.
3. Events and Festivals: During the summer, the island of Spinalonga is host to a number of different events and festivals that celebrate the rich cultural history of the island. Visitors can enjoy traditional Greek music, traditional Greek food, and cultural performances.
4. Shopping: Apart from its cultural attractions, Spinalonga also has a number of shops and stores that sell souvenirs and other goods. From traditional handicrafts to iconic fashion items, tourists can find something special to take back home and remember their trip by.
5. Hiking: Spinalonga also has a number of scenic trails that explore the island’s nature and seascape. Some of these trails are suitable for visitors of all ages and levels of fitness. The trails also provide a great view of the islands of Agios Nikolaos and Kalymnos.
Experience of people & Reviews of The Island of Spinalonga, Crete
Many people who have visited The Island of Spinalonga, Crete say that it was an unforgettable experience. They describe their time there as a beautiful and touching experience. The island is both remarkable in its history and breathtakingly beautiful. Many reviewers say that the boat ride over to the island is smooth and relaxing, and that the setting is stunning as the island comes into view. Tourists were captivated and moved by the history of the leper colony, which was revealed through ruins and descriptions at the site. People who come here have often commented on how beautifully preserved the grounds are and how peaceful they feel here. Even with its tragic history, many who have visited The Island of Spinalonga say that it is a place to be appreciated.
FAQ'S of The Island of Spinalonga, Crete
Q: What is the Island of Spinalonga?
A: Spinalonga is an island off the coast of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea. It was formerly inhabited by lepers and is now a popular tourist attraction in Greece.
Q: How do I get to Spinalonga?
A: Visitors can travel by car to Elounda, the closest port to Spinalonga. From Elounda, there are regular boat trips to the island.
Q: Are there accommodations on Spinalonga?
A: There are no accommodations on Spinalonga as the island is uninhabited. Visitors are advised to book accommodation in Elounda which is the closest town to the island.
Q: Is Spinalonga open year-round?
A: Yes, Spinalonga is open year-round for visitors but keep in mind that certain times of year—including weekends and Greek holidays—can be busier than others.
Q: What kind of activities are available on Spinalonga?
A: Due to its rich history, visiting Spinalonga is mostly about sightseeing and exploring the area. The island has several ruins from its time as a leper colony which can be visited, and there are plenty of opportunities to take photos or go for a leisurely stroll.As you step into this place, you can sense the uneasiness that further awaits your most haunted experience.

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