The Island of Ithaca, Ionian Islands: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Is the Island of Ithaca a horror story? A land of paranormal activities? It is also an intriguing place full of history. Read this blog to discover the mysterious secrets of one of the Ionian Islands in Greece!

Horror Story of The Island of Ithaca, Ionian Islands
The Islanders of Ithaca have long believed their tiny island in the Ionian Sea was blessed with a special protection, a guardian, who shielded them from the outside world and kept the wicked away from their safe haven.
It was a sunny morning when the first of the trouble started. The Islanders awoke to loud, thunderous booms from the sea and the crashing of waves splashing against the cliffs of the island. The people rushed out from their homes, anxious to find the source of the disturbance.
The villagers were met with a bizarre sight: large humanoid figures, surfacing from the depths of the water. Creatures of immense size, appearing neither human nor beast, they were living nightmares to behold.
These behemoths of the deep were the source of the noise, for they were intent on destruction. One by one, they began to smash their way through buildings, tossing aside villagers as if they weighed nothing. The terror continued as they brought down homes, entire streets, and wreaked havoc on the little island.
The Islanders knew only one thing: this was their guardian’s retribution. Decades of overlooking the dangers of their own small island had made their guardian angry. And she was determined to make them pay.
But no one was prepared for what she unveiled next: a horde of hundreds of small, human-like creatures rising in the island’s center, carrying weapons and torches.
In a flurry of frenzied shouts, the creatures began to swarm throughout the island, smashing every living creature they could find and bringing death to the Islanders.
It seemed like the night would never end and in the end, the creatures departed with the dawn. The Islanders surveyed the corpse-ridden devastation which marked the island’s former glory.
The Day of Ithaca had come and gone, and the people of the island now saw the price of overlooking the dangers of the outside world: death at the hands of their own guardian, the Island of Ithaca.
History & Information of The Island of Ithaca, Ionian Islands
Ithaca is a small island located in the Ionian Sea off the western coast of Greece. It is one of 7 main islands of the Ionian archipelago and is located between Kefallonia and Lefkada, and is one of the greenest and most unspoiled islands in the Mediterranean.
The island was the home of Odysseus, the hero of Homer's epic poem Iliad and Odyssey. Ithaca has been inhabited since the end of the second millennium BC, and has seen many different civilisations. Today, the island is home to a beautiful landscape, manicured terracing, small charming villages, crystal waters, and a diverse array of restaurants and nightlife.
The main town of Ithaca is Vathi, which has the best organised harbour of all the Ionian Islands. It is also home to the Ithaca Archaeological Museum, which houses artefacts from the Paleolithic era all the way to the present day.
The island is very popular as a holiday destination, due to its close proximity to mainland Greece and its many beautiful beaches. The most popular of the beaches on Ithaca include Filiatro, Tsamadou, and Agios Yannis, all of which have golden sand and crystal-clear waters.
Ithaca is also an important destination for yachting activities as the island has many sheltered bays and is a great place to relax and enjoy the Mediterranean. It is also a destination for wine tasting, enjoying the traditional Greek cuisine, and of course, some of the most breathtaking views of the Ionian Sea.
Paranomial Activity of The Island of Ithaca, Ionian Islands
The Island of Ithaca is located in the Ionian Sea off the western coast of Greece. Its history as a settlement begins in the Late Bronze Age (around 3000 BCE). Archaeological evidence suggests that the island may have been inhabited by speakers of an early form of Greek as early as the centuries before the common era. The ancient Greeks also believed that Ithaca was the home of legendary hero Odysseus. During the Classical period (490–323 BCE), Ithaca was a minimal power that was under the control of the powerful Greek city state of Corinth. During the Hellenistic period (323–31 BCE) the island was part of the Achaean League, a powerful confederation of Greek city states. Ithaca's strategic importance increased during the Roman period (31 BCE–330 CE), when the island became the seat of a Roman governor. It became an important trading center during the Byzantine period (330–1453 CE) and continued to have a strong presence in the Ionian Islands through the modern era. Today, Ithaca is a popular destination for tourists due to its natural beauty and archaeological sites.
Experience of people & Reviews of The Island of Ithaca, Ionian Islands
Ithaca is an incredible destination for tourists who visit Greece. Weather is perfect (even better as it's a smaller island so it's cooler). The beaches are stunning and all over the island. They have clear blue waters and white sand, really inviting. Apart from this tourists can explore picturesque villages and some exciting archeological sites. On the other hand, the night life is quite calm compared to other islands, but still you can find some nice bars and restaurants that keep the night alive with great music and drinks. People are friendly and welcoming, the locals are really kind and happy to help with tourist information. Lastly, despite being smaller than the other Ionian islands, Ithaca definitely has something to offer to any type of traveler.
FAQ'S of The Island of Ithaca, Ionian Islands
Q. What activities are available on the Island of Ithaca?
A. On the Island of Ithaca, you can enjoy a variety of activities, including swimming, hiking, kayaking, sailing, fishing, and more. There are also many restaurants, tavernas, and bars to explore.
Q. Where can I stay on the Island of Ithaca?
A. You can find a variety of accommodation types on the Island, ranging from hotels and apartments to villas and holiday homes.
Q. Is there public transportation on the Island?
A. Yes, there is a public bus system that travels between the main town and the various villages on the Island. There is also a car-ferry service between Ithaca and other Islands in the Ionian archipelago.
Q. What is the best time to visit the Island of Ithaca?
A. The best time to visit the Island of Ithaca is during the months of May, June, July, August, September and October. These months have mild and pleasant weather that allows visitors to enjoy all of the activities available on the Island.
Q. What kind of wildlife can I expect to see on the Island of Ithaca?
A. You can expect to find a wide variety of wildlife on the Island, including seabirds, dolphins, turtles, and various species of fish. You may also spot some wild goats.

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