The Fortress of Palaiokastro, Naxos: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

The Fortress of Palaiokastro in Naxos is a stark reminder of a macabre past- that of a deep and chilling horror story of death and torture, of incredible advancements in fortress architecture, and of paranormal tales.Come to this beautiful, ancient land and discover the mystery that lies beneath!

Horror Story of The Fortress of Palaiokastro, Naxos
The Fortress of Palaiokastro has seen its fair share of sieges and battles over the centuries, but none so strange as the tale of the night watchman who once roamed its walls.
It was around sunset that he happened upon a mysterious figure in ancient dress. The man was of an age long since forgotten, and his clothing seemed older still. The figure said nothing, but merely pointed to three large stones, each inscribed with strange hieroglyphs. The watchman defied all logic and curiosity and took the stones up, along with the figure, and placed them at the corner of the fort.
As soon as the stones were set the night seemed to still, and a sickly chill filled the air. No birds sang and even the crickets were silent and motionless. It seemed as if all of time had stopped, except for the hissing coming from the stones. It seemed an enchanting voice, calling the watchman to its side.
Finally, it spoke from the depths of its darkness, asking for a single life in return for three great powers. It be whatever he desired, it declared, so long as it was another soul.
Without hesitation, the watchman sacrificed his own, and suddenly the night was alive with a strange, whispering light. In its glow, as he lay dying, the watchman saw a troop of soldiers marching from the stones, bearing the old heraldry of the kingdom of Palaiokastro.
In the morning, the watchman was gone and the stones were silent, but the soldiers remain, standing guard over the fort, yet to be commanded by their master from beyond the grave.When you walk through this place, the sense of forebore will grow strong and foreshadow your most haunted experience.
History & Information of The Fortress of Palaiokastro, Naxos
The Fortress of Palaiokastro, located on the island of Naxos in the Cyclades, is a key monument of the Byzantine era in the region. It was built in the 11th century AD by order of Byzantine Emperor Alexios Komnenos and was initially used as a military base. The Fortress of Palaiokastro played a vital role in the defense of the island against pirate raids and a number of important battles were fought here.
The fortress is made up of a fortified citadel and an outer fortress. The citadel is built on an acropolis surrounded by a wall of roughly 800 meters and consists of a main gate and three square towers. Within the citadel, there is a church dedicated to St. George which was built in the 13th century.
The outer part of the fortress is made up of two distinct structures; a main gate and a wall running in a semi-circle around the citadel that was used to protect the city during the period of Frankish rule. In addition to these structures, the Fortress of Palaiokastro also includes a number of smaller buildings and structures, including a bath complex, a water cistern, and a small cemetery.
Even today, the Fortress of Palaiokastro stands as one of the most impressive fortresses in the entire Cyclades. Its formidable walls and structures still provide a glimpse into the past, reminding visitors of a time when Naxos was an important Byzantine stronghold.
Paranomial Activity of The Fortress of Palaiokastro, Naxos
The Fortress of Palaiokastro, located on the Greek island of Naxos, is a historical monument and former fort that dates back to the Byzantine period. Built to protect the island from invaders, the fortress has stood for centuries and is highly regarded as an important part of Naxos' history. Today, the Fortress is a popular tourist attraction for those visiting the island, and continues to inspire awe and wonder.
The fortress is of significant architectural importance and features towers, a quarry, a courtyard, and a hermitage, all of which are open to the public for exploration. Inside, visitors will find a museum with an array of artifacts, as well as a chapel with impressive frescoes of religious artwork.
The central tower of the Fortress, known as the Tower of the Cross, is particularly noteworthy, as it is connected to a legend about a Greek hero who conquered the island. According to the legend, a large cross once stood atop the tower, and the hero declared that the cross would remain as a symbol of Naxos' freedom.
The fortress has also long been a subject of research for scholars and archaeologists alike. In 1885, the remains of a 13th-century wall and the outline of a larger castle were discovered, giving further evidence about the castle's architectural history and past inhabitants. Studies of the ruins from the nearby castle suggest that the fortress was the residence of various rulers, such as the rulers of the Montferrand family.
Given its long history and archaeological importance, the fortress continues to be appreciated by locals and visitors alike. With its stunning views of the sea and nearby beauty spots, the Fortress of Palaiokastro is the ideal place for visitors to learn about Naxos' past and appreciate its culture and history. Visitors can also enjoy stunning views from the fortress, as it is located on a hilltop overlooking the entire island.One of the most haunted places in the world, this place is filled with mystery
Experience of people & Reviews of The Fortress of Palaiokastro, Naxos
The Fortress of Palaiokastro in Naxos is a popular tourist attraction. It is an ancient fortress located on top of a hill in the eastern part of the island. People who visit the fortress often comment on how it is still standing even though it is hundreds of years old. Many visitors state how the views from the top are outstanding and they typically remain amazed by the structure they see. Visitors also note how there is a lot to explore and learn from the fortress. Many reviews state how it is a great place to learn more about the island and its past. All in all, visitors of the Fortress of Palaiokastro in Naxos leave with a positive experience.
FAQ'S of The Fortress of Palaiokastro, Naxos
Q: Where is the Fortress of Palaiokastro located?
A: The Fortress of Palaiokastro is located in Naxos, Greece.
Q: What is the history of the Fortress of Palaiokastro?
A: The Fortress of Palaiokastro was initially built by the Venetians in the 13th century. During the 17th century, the Ottoman Turks had control of the fortress, while in the 19th century control was given to the Greeks.
Q: What can visitors see when visiting the Fortress of Palaiokastro?
A: Visitors can experience the impressive views of the sea, walk through the ruins of the castle, and explore the numerous churches and monasteries on the grounds. There are also ancient artifacts, including sculptures, coins, and pottery, to be found in the area.
Q: Is there an entrance fee to visit the Fortress of Palaiokastro?
A: Yes, there is a nominal entrance fee of 3 Euros.

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