St. Mary's Cathedral, Jakarta: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Long known for its solemn beauty, St. Mary’s Cathedral in Jakarta is also associated with a host of dark mysteries. From haunting horror stories to odd paranormal activities, this ancient church has quite the reputation. Come explore the storied history of this landmark and learn of its sinister side.

Horror Story of St. Mary's Cathedral, Jakarta
The shadows of St. Mary's Cathedral stretched darkly over Jakarta, its bell tower looming ominously over the city. It was a place that few ever dared to enter--a place steeped in ancient secrets.
Generations of terrifying stories had been passed down from the locals about the cathedral. Some said it was possessed by a group of vengeful ghosts, while others said it was a cursed place, filled with untold dangers.
That night, a pair of college students decided to take a dare and explore the mysterious cathedral. After pushing open the heavy doors, they ventured inside and quickly became lost in a maze of dark hallways and alcoves. Terrified, they moved forward until, without warning, a loud bang echoed from within the walls.
Frightened, the pair raced back to the entrance, desperate to escape, only to discover the main door locked from the outside. Now trapped within the walls of the ancient building, the terrified duo had no choice but to explore the cathedral in order to find a way out. As they ventured further into the depths of the building, they were met with terror--phantoms appearing from the shadows, screams ringing through the air, and heavy objects falling from the ceiling.
Finally, after hours of exploring the depths of St. Mary's Cathedral, the students stumbled upon a secret door embedded in one of the walls. Rushin through, the students the emerged into the fresh night air and ran away, never looking back.
Now, no one ever dares to venture inside St Mary's Cathedral, and they all refer to the intimidating building as "The House of Horrors."This place is part of the top 10 most haunted places in the world.
History & Information of St. Mary's Cathedral, Jakarta
St. Mary's Cathedral, Jakarta is a Catholic church located in the connections of Jalan Proklamasi and Merdeka Barat streets in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. Unlike many other churches in Jakarta, this Church was not built by the Dutch as a mission station. St. Mary's Cathedral was built with the direct support of National Chinese Catholic Communities and was completed on October 20, 1901, making it one of the oldest churches in the city.
The Church was originally named Our Lady of Lourdes (Santuario Maria di Lourdes) and was modeled after the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes in France. It was the first Catholic Temple in Jakarta that specifically celebrated mass in Chinese language and catered to the Chinese communities living in the city. As the years passed, the Chinese population of Jakarta was becoming smaller and the Church was forced to change its language to Bahasa Indonesia and English.
In 1921 the Church was officially declared as St. Mary's Cathedral by the Roman Catholic Church in Jakarta. Since then, it has been one of the most famous religious landmarks of the city. The Church's current location is at Jalan Proklamasi and it is one of the best examples of modern ecclesiastical architecture in Jakarta. The building is high and a steeple tower tops the building, making the building clearly visible from outside the area.
The interior of the Church is decorated with beautiful wall paintings, paintings of Jesus Christ, statues of saints and other religious figures. On the ceiling of the Church is a painting of Jesus the Good Shepherd. The main altar is made in the shape of a truncated pyramid with the triangle surrounding the crucifix symbolizing the trinity of God.
St. Mary's Cathedral has served the Roman Catholic Church in Indonesia for more than a century and remains one of the most important and visible landmarks of Jakarta city. In 2019 the Church was declared as one of the important historical sites by the Jakarta Tourism and Culture Department.
Paranomial Activity of St. Mary's Cathedral, Jakarta
1. St. Mary's Cathedral, Jakarta, has been consistently involved in a variety of activities that contribute to the community's spiritual and physical wellbeing. This includes organizing regular Church services, offering Bible classes for children and youth, and facilitating interreligious dialogues.
2. St. Mary’s also provides various social service programs to the local community, such as homeless feeding outreach, youth mentoring, and scholarship programs. It has also been actively involved in disaster relief operations in the region.
3. St. Mary’s also hosts weekly events and presentations, such as music and dance recitals, lectures, and innovative discussions. These events open the doors to a wide range of topics related to faith, culture, music, literature, and history.
4. In addition, St. Mary’s offers programs and classes for the entire family, like cooking classes, sports leagues, art classes, and knitting clubs. Special events are also regularly hosted to enhance the spiritual life of the parish community.
5. The church also participates in holiday celebrations, during which food drives and other charitable activities are organized. This encourages members to reach out to people in need within the community and make a difference with their generosity.Are you excited to explore places filled with mysteries? If yes, then you have arrived at the right place.
Experience of people & Reviews of St. Mary's Cathedral, Jakarta
People who have visited St. Mary’s Cathedral in Jakarta describe the experience as awe-inspiring. The cathedral epitomizes the beauty and grandeur of the Catholic Church. The Gothic-style church features both traditional and modern elements, making it a stunning sight to behold. Many visitors express appreciation for the impressive stained glass windows, magnificent interiors, and elaborate organ. The friendly staff are known for providing a warm and welcoming environment, and the tourist information center provides helpful advice and maps. Guests generally give St. Mary’s Cathedral high ratings, and recommend the experience to anyone visiting Jakarta.Centuries of paranormal activities at this place have marked this place as the most haunted place in the world.
FAQ'S of St. Mary's Cathedral, Jakarta
Q. What is the address of St. Mary's Cathedral?
A. St. Mary's Cathedral is located at Jalan Katedral No. 8, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta.
Q. What are the opening hours of St. Mary's Cathedral?
A. The opening hours are from 6.30am to 10pm daily.
Q. What services are offered at St. Mary's Cathedral?
A. St. Mary's Cathedral offers various activities such as mass, vespers, concerts, pilgrimages, retreats, and other spiritual programs.
Q. Is there any admission fee for attending events at St. Mary's Cathedral?
A. No, there is no admission fee. Entry is free for all visitors.
Q. Are there any parking facilities available?
A. Yes, the cathedral has a convenient parking lot that can accommodate up to 20 cars.When you walk through this place, the sense of forebore will grow strong and foreshadow your most haunted experience.

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