Oyo State College of Agriculture, Igboora: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

The Oyo State College of Agriculture in Igboora is a place of deep horror story, history and paranormal activities. It has been the site of mysterious deaths, unexplained disappearances and sightings of spectral apparitions. Learn how this spooky place became as associated with so much terror and the truth behind its creepy legend.

Horror Story of Oyo State College of Agriculture, Igboora
The students of Oyo State College of Agriculture, Igboora all knew of the shocking horror story about the area. Many long years ago, a strange figure was said to have been seen in the fields near the college. It was said to be a tall figure, wearing all black with a long cloak that dragged along the ground. Some students even said to have heard low voices coming from deep in the darkness and a strange sound like shuffling feet.
Everyone stayed far away from the field but the horror story was still there - the figure was seen and heard on nights when the moon was full. As time went on, more students began to stay away from the college, and rumors started to circulate around the local town. The rumors were so frightening that some people wouldn’t even speak of it - it was believed that even to say the name of the figure would bring bad luck and strange occurrences.
Some brave souls managed to investigate the source of the stories, and what they found was beyond their wildest imaginations. It is said that a witch had taken residence there hundreds of years ago to practice her dark craft, and that her presence lingered even in modern times.
It is said that the witch used the shadows and oak trees around the field to make potions and carry out sinister spells, and that her spirit still haunts the area. Though no one ever mentions her name out loud for fear of bringing the witch’s wrath down on them, it is common knowledge that the college was built on cursed land and that the witch still lingers there to this day.It is one of the most horror places in the world.
History & Information of Oyo State College of Agriculture, Igboora
The Oyo State College of Agriculture, Igboora was founded in 1992 to provide agricultural training in the Oyo region of Nigeria. The college is located in Igboora, Oyo and is one of the three state owned institutions in the state.
The college's primary mission is to provide educational opportunities for those who wish to pursue careers in the field of agriculture. It offers courses in agronomy, animal husbandry, agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, food science and technology, and more.
The college also operates a research and extension program. Through research and extension, the college is able to make recommendations to government and promote agricultural development in Nigeria. As part of its research and extension efforts, the college has created several extension outreach programs to assist farmers in improving agricultural productivity.
The college is managed by the Board of Management, which oversees the day-to-day operations of the college. The board consists of the College Provost, four Deans and three Professors. The provost and deans are appointed by the Oyo State Government.
The college is also affiliated with several international universities such as the University of Ibadan, the Obafemi Awolowo University, and the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. This gives the college a more global perspective in terms of teaching and research.
In addition, the college boasts of several state, national, and international awards for its academic excellence and research activities. The college is also home to many distinguished alumni, including the former Minister of Agriculture in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr Akinwumi Adesina.
Despite facing challenges due to a lack of funding and limited facilities, the college remains committed to providing quality education and leading research in the field of agriculture.It is one of the most horror places in the world.
Paranomial Activity of Oyo State College of Agriculture, Igboora
The Oyo State College of Agriculture, Igboora is a public higher educational institution in the rural town of Igboora in Oyo State, Nigeria. It is a state-owned agricultural college and the only college of its kind in the state. Established in 1999, the college is equipped with modern facilities and has a comprehensive curriculum for the advancement of research and teaching in agriculture.
The college seeks to gain national and international recognition for its programmes, as well as setting national standards for agricultural education and agricultur al research. The college also promotes technical and professional competence in staff and students. It is home to various academic programmes and is involved in many activities that promote inter-disciplinary learning, innovation and knowledge transfer in agriculture, agribusiness, fisheries and veterinary science.
The college is very active in research and development in agricultur e, organizes conferences and workshops on topical issues, publishes journals and textbooks, and participates in international and regional conferences and seminars. Additionally, it is involved in extension services, and the training of farmers, rural producers, and scientific personnel in various agricultural related fields. The college has also established several strategic partnerships with various regional and international institutions to strengthen capacity building, curriculum development, adoption of new technologies and products, and research in the field of agricultural practices.
Experience of people & Reviews of Oyo State College of Agriculture, Igboora
Oyo State College of Agriculture, Igboora is an agricultural state university located in Oyo State, southwestern Nigeria. The college which was established in 1970, is the only agricultural college in the state. The College has five colleges- College of Agriculture, College of Animal Science, College of Applied Science, College of Veterinary Medicine and College of Resource Management & Environmental Sciences.
People's experience with the College has been generally positive. The academic staff is experienced in a diverse range of subjects related to agriculture and the facilities are well equipped. The college also provides various resources to support student research. The College also provides practical training opportunities for students in the field of agriculture. In addition, the College is well connected with the local industry & offers ample placement opportunities for students.
Reviews of the college have been generally positive. Students have commented on the college’s quality teaching, supportive staff, ample learning resources and good practical exposure. Many students have also commented on the College’s excellent placement opportunities as well as the rich learning environment. The college also maintains an active alumni network and encourages students to engage with those who have graduated from the college.Local people around this place say that they hear mysterious sounds coming out from this house.
FAQ'S of Oyo State College of Agriculture, Igboora
Q. Where is the Oyo State College of Agriculture located?
A. The Oyo State College of Agriculture is located in Igboora, Oyo State, Nigeria.
Q. What type of program is offered at the College?
A. The College offers degree programs in various disciplines including agricultural science, fisheries, animal husbandry, crop protection, forestry and soil science.
Q. Is the College accredited?
A. Yes, the College is accredited by the National Universities Commission (NUC).
Q. What facilities does the College offer?
A. The College offers a number of facilities to its students. These include laboratories, lecture theatres, library, hostel accommodation, cafeteria, medical centre, internet and sporting facilities.
Q. Is financial aid available to students at the College?
A. Yes, the College offers a number of bursaries and grants to eligible students. Additionally, students can also apply for loans from banks.In case you are wondering whether there are any haunted places near me, there might be if you observe deeply.

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