Old Roseau Prison: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

For hundreds of years, the Old Roseau Prison has been shrouded in mystery. Its tales of horror, darkness and paranormal activities have frightened many. It has also been a source of inspiration and history for countless onlookers. Whether you are looking for a good fright or a good history lesson, it is a site that you must not miss!

Horror Story of Old Roseau Prison
The rumors of hauntings at the old Roseau Prison were whispered among locals for decades. Many people refused to go near the abandoned building, and if they did it was only in the light of day.
The prison had a history of dark and grisly occurrences, most notably the brutal execution of the prison warden in 1911. His body was never found, yet his ghost had been seen by visitors near the gallows.
More recently a group of teens decided to explore the abandoned prison at night. It didn't take long for them to regret their decision; things started to go wrong right away. One of them heard eerie whispers coming from an empty cell, while another felt an icy breath on the back of their neck when passing through a hallway.
When they reached the Warden's office, they heard loud screams coming from inside. Trembling in fear, they opened the door and found something nobody could have expected; the body of the Warden, hanging from the ceiling.
The sight of his decomposing body was terrifying, but as he swayed from side to side he muttered a single phrase “don’t let my spirit linger here”.
The teens fled the prison as fast as they could, vowing never to return. Ever since their experience, Old Roseau Prison has been abandoned, but locals continue to talk about the haunted building and the lingering curse of the Warden's ghost.Have you ever explored horror places in the world? If not, then you can explore now.
History & Information of Old Roseau Prison
The Old Roseau Prison is a former prison in the capital city of Roseau, Dominica that was built in 1785 and remained open until 2006. It served as a prison for multiple purposes such as holding criminals, political prisoners, and Jamaica laborers contracted to work on the island. The structure was part of a fort that originally surrounded the entire city and was built in 1761.
The prison was officially opened in 1785 and at the time was known as the ‘Government Gaol House’. In its early life as a prison, it housed both English and Dutch political prisoners. The prison eventually became a focal point for all criminal activity on the island and many Jamaicans were brought in to work as politicians and criminals.
During the late 19th century and early 20th century, the prison housed mostly political prisoners. Prominent individuals such as former Prime Minister of Dominica, E.O. Leblanc, were incarcerated in the prison. In the mid-20th century, the prison was home to a few inmates who were serving life sentences.
In 2006, the Old Roseau Prison was officially closed due to overcrowding and poor conditions. The closure of the prison marked the symbolic beginning of the end of the colonial period on Dominica. The structure of the prison remains, however, and still serves today as a tourist attraction in Roseau. Visitors to the site can view the ruins of its interior which include the old jail cells and gallows.
Today, the site has been transformed into a tourist attraction as it stands as a reminder of the nation's history and the struggles its people faced in the past. The ruins are open to the public as a museum, and interactive exhibits showcase the lives of those who were imprisoned in the jail. Additionally, there are guided tours through the prison, which offer an up-close look at the structure and some of the stories associated with it. It is a popular spot for both locals and tourists, who can learn more about the history of the island and the prison itself.If you want to visit one of the most haunted places in the world, you must visit it here
Paranomial Activity of Old Roseau Prison
The Old Roseau Prison was a prison located in Roseau, Minnesota established in 1871. The prison originally held prisoners convicted of petty crimes and misdemeanors, but eventually began to hold those convicted of more serious offenses. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, the prison was filled with a variety of activities and creative projects.
One of the major activities at the Old Roseau Prison was theatre productions. Prisoners put on a variety of productions over the years, ranging from musical comedy to shorter one-act plays. Despite the dismal atmosphere of prison life, these productions provided a welcomed distraction for prisoners and allowed them to express themselves artistically.
In addition to theatre productions, the prison was also known for hosting religious activities. The Catholic, Methodist, and Lutheran churches in Roseau held weekly services at the prison and regularly sent volunteers to teach scripture and give spiritual guidance to the prisoners. The prison also hosted chapel activities on Easter and Christmas.
Old Roseau Prison also had several educational activities. For example, the warden of the prison offered free language lessons to the prisoners, with a focus on English and Latin. It was also common for inmates to teach one another various skills, such as musical instruments, cooking, and even reading and writing.
Finally, the prison was also the site of a variety of physical activities. The guards organized sports competitions between the inmates, such as baseball, basketball, track, and more. In addition, the inmates were also allowed to use the prison’s gymnasium for weightlifting and other physical activities.
Overall, the Old Roseau Prison offered a variety of activities and creative projects for the inmates. While the prison’s atmosphere was certainly dismal, the activities provided by the prison allowed the inmates to express themselves and stay mentally and physically fit.
Experience of people & Reviews of Old Roseau Prison
The Old Roseau Prison has earned its fair share of fans and critics. Most people who have stopped by to explore the prison agree that it is a historic and interesting site to visit. There is a certain sense of history that can be experienced while standing in the old prison walls.
The reviews for this spot in Roseau range from people who appreciate the history of the area, to those who have had paranormal experiences while in the prison. Many report that they have felt uneasy or heard strange noises or whispers while exploring the area. Some have even reported feeling cold spots and seeing ghostly apparitions in the cells.
In general, the reviews about the Old Roseau Prison have been positive. People who visit appreciate the chance to stand where so much history happened. They often note the unique story-like atmosphere of the area and express a desire to learn more about the prison’s past. Those who have had paranormal experiences while visiting the prison usually recommend it to others for a unique experience.Are you planning to explore haunted places this vacation?
FAQ'S of Old Roseau Prison
Q: What is the history of Old Roseau Prison?
A: Old Roseau Prison, built in 1871, is a former prison located in Roseau, the capital of the Commonwealth of Dominica. The prison was used to detain political prisoners during the colonial era and was an important symbol of the fight for freedom on the island.
Q: Is the Old Roseau Prison open for visits?
A: Yes, the Old Roseau Prison is open for visits. There are guided tours of the prison which provide visitors with an insight into its historic past.
Q: What type of artifacts can be seen at the Old Roseau Prison?
A: At the Old Roseau Prison, visitors can view a variety of artifacts including prisoners’ records, cell block walls, iron gates and a gallows.
Q: What type of events are held at the Old Roseau Prison?
A: The Old Roseau Prison hosts a variety of events including lectures, plays, concerts, film screenings and workshops.
Q: What type of safety precautions are in place at Old Roseau Prison?
A: The Old Roseau Prison has a number of safety precautions in place including security guards, cameras, metal detectors and other security measures.

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