Hainan - Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

From a horror story to paranormal activities, Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden has seen it all through its long history. Follow us on this journey as we travel through time, exploring the dark history of this strange place.

Horror Story of Hainan - Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden
It had all started with a local urban legend; one that students whispered about in the schoolyard and intrigued adults on street corners. The legend went that long ago, in a far off corner of the city of Haikou, there was an old wildlife park called the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden, nestled in the lush tropical forests that surrounded it.
It had been home to exotic plants, rare birds, and fascinating primates. But as with all old stories, the park had a darker side as well. Tales of strange sounds coming from the rainforest, a hooded figure walking through the park at night and a ghostly figure stalking visitors as they wandered among the trees added to the trepidation.
The stories only got darker as time went on. People stopped visiting the park and the rumors only increased in frequency. It was said that the hooded figure that lurked in the dark was the ghost of a former park visitor, who had died while on a solo trip into the wilderness and was now cursed to haunt the grounds forever. It was said that anyone foolish enough to venture into the park after dark would never make it out alive.
The locals began avoiding the park altogether, but the lure of its beautiful vegetation and expansive wilderness still remained strong amongst the brave and fool-hearted. Each night, a few brave souls tested their luck and ventured into the old wildlife park, only to never return.
The rumors quickly spread, and soon only hikers and campers daring enough to take the risk visit the park. Those who do brave the park often report seeing a hooded figure making its way through the trees, never saying a word as it passes visitors and disappears into the darkness. No one knows what ultimate fate awaits those who enter the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden, but one thing is for certain; it is not a place for the faint of heart.There are famous stories about paranormal activities in hotels.
History & Information of Hainan - Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden
Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden is located in Bo'ao Town, Qionghai City in Hainan Province. The park is the only national-level tropical wildlife park and key botanical garden in the province and is one of the first batch of 16 national 4A-level Tourist Attractions. The significant purpose of building the wildlife park and botanical garden is to protect and display the tropical wildlife and plants, to build Hainan into an international tropical cultural sightseeing tourist destination.
The park covers an area of 2800 hectares. It is divided into tourist area, ecological protection area, research area and specific use area. The park boasts the abundant biodiversity with the large-scale exotic animals, unique tropical plants, traditional Chinese gardens and surreal natural scenery. Currently, there are more than 4,000 species of wild plants, 200 species of birds, 50 species of mammals and 150 species of reptiles and amphibians, making the park one of the best places to uncover the mystery of tropical wildlife and to explore the beauty of nature.
The vegetation in the park consist mainly of tropical forest, tropical forest gardens and coastal vegetation. Unique and beautiful tropical plants, such as oil-palm, eucalyptus, Phoenix are planted in abundance. The wildlife in the park is characterized by its large number of birds and aquatic animals, including macaque, black and white gibbon, Bornean langurs, hawks, butterflies, and water birds, etc.
The development of the park includes the construction of tourist facilities, scientific research platform, and a comprehensive service platform. The administration has adopted several protection systems to protect the wildlife in the park, including establishing exclusive tourist routes, separating entrance and exit areas, and prohibiting tourists from messing up the animals’ lives. In recent years, the administration has expanded into eco-tourism and provided educational ecology activities for students, managed to publicize traditional Chinese festivals and cultivate the local intangible cultural heritage.
Nowadays, the wildlife park is becoming more and more popular. Tourists can experience a journey to explore the mysteries of tropical wildlife and relax in the natural scenery of the park.You would listen to the most common horror stories on paranormal hotels.
Paranomial Activity of Hainan - Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden
The Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden is a major ecological tourism and botanical research center located in Sanya City, Hainan Province, China. The park covers more than 1,400 hectares (5.4 sq mi), making it the largest botanical garden in China. It is home to nearly 600 species of plants and over 40 species of animals, many of which are endangered.
The park is divided into seven major sections – the Exhibition Area, the Wild Animal Kingdom, the Bird Kingdom, the Waterfall Zone, the Prehistoric Forest, the Education and Research Center, and the Guangyan Temple. Each section features different attractions, from plants and animals to interactive exhibits and displays.
The Exhibition Area consists mainly of educational displays, and features a variety of tropical species from around the world. Visitors can learn about the plants and animals that call the park home, and ask questions about caring for the environment.
The Wild Animal Kingdom is home to over 30 species of animals, including tigers, leopards, and panthers. Visitors can take a guided tour of the park and observe the animals in their natural habitat.
The Bird Kingdom boasts an impressive collection of birds from around the globe, including peacocks, parrots, owls, hornbills, and doves, among others. It also features a large aviary where visitors can get up close and personal with the birds.
The Waterfall Zone is one of the most impressive sights in the park, and features spectacular waterfalls, lush forests, and peaceful lakes. Visitors can take a complete tour of the area and marvel at the breathtaking scenery.
The Prehistoric Forest features a collection of ancient plants, including giant bamboo, ancient ferns, and other rare species. It is also home to some of the largest trees in the world.
The Education and Research Center is a learning hub for students, researchers, and educators. It features interactive displays, lectures, and activities about tropical wildlife, conservation, and sustainability.
The Guangyan Temple is located within the park, and is believed to be one of the oldest temples in the country. Its construction dates back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).
The Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden is a major attraction in Sanya City and a must-see destination for nature enthusiasts, tourists, and locals alike. The park's many attractions are sure to keep visitors entertained and educated for hours.
Experience of people & Reviews of Hainan - Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden
Many people who have visited Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden have described it as a unique and beautiful destination. Visitors often comment on the abundance of lush vegetation, as well as the stunning animal and bird life. Many of those who have visited have reported being able to observe and photograph some of the rare species found in this part of the world. The vastness of the area provides a fantastic opportunity to observe nature in its full beauty.
The Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden has also been praised by visitors for its conservation efforts. Many believe that with the introduction of exotic animal species, the park has become a leading advocate for biodiversity.
Overall, many people have great experiences at the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden. The park provides a vast array of activities to engage in and the experience is often described as exciting, educational and breathtaking.Are you excited to explore places filled with mysteries? If yes, then you have arrived at the right place.
FAQ'S of Hainan - Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden
Q: Where is the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden located?
A: The Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden is located in Wenchang City in Hainan Province, China.
Q: What kind of flora and fauna can be found at the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden?
A: The Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden is home to a wide variety of tropical fauna and flora, including more than 1,000 species of plants and over 200 species of birds, reptiles, mammals, amphibians, and insects.
Q: Are there guided tours offered at the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden?
A: Yes, the park offers multiple guided tours led by experienced guides. The guided tours provide information about the flora and fauna found in the park and are a great way to learn more about the wildlife and plant life endemic to the area.
Q: What amenities are available at the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden?
A: The Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden offers amenities such as a restaurant, gift shop, snack stand, and restrooms.
Q: Is there an entrance fee for the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden?
A: Yes, there is an entrance fee for the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden. The current fee is 56.00 Yuan (Chinese Currency) per person.As you step into this place, you can sense the uneasiness that further awaits your most haunted experience.

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