Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Guangdong's Baiyun Mountain is considered to be one of the oldest and most mysterious geological formations in China. Shrouded in folklore and myth, Baiyun Mountain has its fair share of horror stories, long-forgotten ancient history, and more paranormal activity than any other mountain in the region. Join us as we explore the deep depths of this mysterious mountain, and uncover some of its darkest secrets.

Horror Story of Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain
What could be more frightful that a trip to the mystical and alluring Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain, located in the mesmerizing city of Guangdong?
The locals say that if you dare make the journey to the top of Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain, you'll come across a mysterious castle with no windows or doors. Walk around the castle thrice and chant the phrase "The spirits of the mountain, help me now" and you will suddenly realize that the castle is open. Should you decide to enter, you will find yourself in a dimly lit hallway that stretches into eternity.
The strange corridor is filled with the faint scent of incense, giving an unnatural dizzy feeling. As you move further in, you will be surrounded by a seemingly infinite number of portraits of people from the past. Every portrait has a different face, but they all share one common aspect - their eyes follow you no matter where you are.
Proceeding further down the corridor, an eerie sound starts to echo in the darkness. A soft and repetitive clapping, as if someone is applauding your courage. After a few seconds, a figure of a woman appears at the end of the hallway. Her long, white dress drifts in the air as she slowly moves closer to you, clapping her hands in a mocking manner. Her eyes are pure black and they stare directly into your soul, as if she can see your deepest fears.
Legend speaks of a woman who was cursed to live atop the mountain, living on the negativity of all who dare enter her domain. Her goal is to find an unsuspecting victim to take her place, in order for her to finally be set free from her curse.
Will you be her next victim?Nowadays, the popularity of visiting the scariest places on Earth is increasing day by day.
History & Information of Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain
National Park
Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain National Park is located in Guangdong Province, China. The park covers a total area of 41.22 hectares and it is the first national park approved by the State Council in China. The park is located near the city of Guangzhou and is known for its amazing scenery and lush vegetation.
The park features many historical attractions, such as the Ming Dynasty South Gate which was built in 1380, and the Maoshen Memorial Hall which commemorates the fallen martyrs of the Chinese Revolution. Other attractions include several temples, scenic rivers and the remarkable landscape carved into the body of the mountain. The park also offers recreational activities such as bike rides, hiking, bird watching, and hot air ballooning.
The vegetation in the park is made up of mostly evergreen trees and bamboo, and it provides a habitat for many species of birds and animals. Wildlife such as black-faced spoonbills, wild boars, and cranes can be seen in the park when hiking or biking.
In 2006, the park was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its spectacular scenery, and in 2010, it was designated as a National wetland park. With its beautiful landscapes, vibrant wildlife, and abundant historical findings, Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain National Park has much to offer visitors from all over the world.Local people around this place say that they hear mysterious sounds coming out from this house.
Paranomial Activity of Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain
Guangdong, a province in southern China, is home to Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain, one of the most famous and beloved tourist attractions in the country. At an altitude of 1,312 meters (4,304 feet), the mountain is the highest peak in the Guangzhou-Foshan Urban Agglomeration and offers stunning views of the sprawling cities below. The mountain is made up of five peaks and is home to numerous temples, monasteries, and shrines that serve as pilgrimage destinations for Buddhists, Taoists, and Confucians. The area has a long history of spiritual importance; it was home to the first Buddhist temple in China and is said to be the birthplace of Chinese Taoism.
For those looking to take in the incredible views and get some exercise in the process, there is an extensive network of trails for hikers and bikers on the mountain. There are also cable cars that take travelers to the peak for short excursions. On the peak, there is a famous statue of General Yue Fei that stands tall to commemorate his victory over the Jin dynasty in the 12th century. Tourists flock to watch the sunset from the peak, as the view of the sun setting over the city is unforgettable. The mountain also offers other activities, from cultural performances to lifelike man-made “natural” landscapes.
The mountain is full of colorful legends and folk stories, making it a popular destination for students of Chinese culture. There are also hot springs nearby, offering a chance to relax and unwind in a natural setting. For those looking for a spiritual experience, there are Taoist rituals that can be performed to bring luck and good fortune. Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain is an unforgettable attraction in Guangdong and a must-see destination for anyone visiting the region.
Experience of people & Reviews of Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain
People who have visited Guangdong’s Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain have consistently given it high marks. Those who have been there report feelings of serenity and beauty while strolling through the area’s Eastern Garden, enjoying the scenery by taking a cable car ride to the top of the mountain, and the various temples, pavilions and bridges that make the area a major tourist attraction in Guangdong province.
The views from the top depending on the season are stunning and many visitors report taking several hours just marveling at the view. And if you’re feeling adventurous, there’s an exciting 70 meter (230 foot) tall swing ride that goes over the top of the mountain. Those who have taken the plunge report feelings of excitement and adrenaline.
With its beautiful views, peaceful gardens, beautiful temples, and attractions for all ages, it’s no surprise that visitors love Guangdong’s Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain, and rate it highly.
FAQ'S of Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain
Q1: Where is Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain located?
A: Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain is located in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.
Q2: What is the elevation of Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain?
A: The elevation of Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain is 382 meters (1253 feet).
Q3: How can I get to Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain?
A: You can get to Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain by bus or taxi from Guangzhou Nan Station or by taking a subway to Dongshankou Station and then take a bus or taxi from there.
Q4: Can I hike up to the peak of Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain?
A: Yes, you can hike up to the peak of Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain. There are also various hiking trails to explore in the area.
Q5: Are there any dining or shopping options at Guangdong - Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain?
A: Yes, there are several restaurants and souvenir shops on the mountain.

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