What's the legal drinking age in Finland, and what's the drinking culture like?

Post ByAdequate Travel

If you are visiting Finland, understanding the legal drinking age and the culture of drinking are important. In this blog, we will explore the legal drinking age in Finland, and take a look at the drinking culture in this Scandinavian country. The place is known for its rich history and culture, welcomes tourists with open arms. However, be sure to review the travel advisory and travel warnings to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Legal Drinking Age in Finland

The legal drinking age in Finland is 18 years. Individuals who are 18 or older are permitted to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages in most settings.

Drinking Culture in Finland

1. Moderate Consumption: Finns typically have a responsible and moderate approach to drinking. It is common for them to enjoy alcohol in social settings, usually with meals or during celebrations.

2. Sauna and Alcohol: Saunas play a significant role in Finnish culture, and many Finns enjoy consuming alcohol in these settings. They believe it enhances relaxation and the overall sauna experience.

3. Craft Beer Culture: The craft beer scene has been growing rapidly in Finland, with a variety of local breweries offering unique and high-quality beers. Many Finns actively seek out and appreciate the diverse range of craft beers available.

4. Festivals and Events: Festivals and events often include alcohol consumption, particularly during summer months. These events may feature a wide range of alcoholic beverages, from traditional Finnish beverages like sima (a low-alcohol, sweet mead) to internationally renowned spirits and cocktails.

5. Responsible Drinking Campaigns: Finland has implemented several campaigns to promote responsible drinking and curb excessive alcohol consumption. These campaigns aim to raise awareness about the potential harms of excessive drinking and encourage responsible choices.

6. State Monopoly on Alcohol Retail: Alcoholic beverages in Finland are sold through Alko, a state-owned retail monopoly. This ensures strict control over alcohol sales and promotes responsible consumption.

7. Policing Drunk Driving: Finnish authorities have strict regulations and penalties in place to combat drunk driving. Random breathalyzer checks are conducted, and driving under the influence of alcohol is heavily punished to ensure road safety.

Stay informed about any travel restrictions or travel rules in place, as they may vary depending on your destination within the country.

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