What's the best time to go berry picking in Finland?

Post ByAdequate Travel

If you're looking for a fun summer activity and want to make the most of the Finnish sunshine, then berry picking is the perfect way to spend a few hours in the great outdoors. But when is the best time of year to go berry picking in Finland? Read on to find out! Before embarking on your journey to finland, make sure to check the latest travel guidelines and entry requirements to ensure a smooth trip

Best Time to go Berry Picking in Finland

1. Mid-Summer Period (Late June to Early August):

The prime time for berry picking in Finland is typically during the mid-summer period, which extends from late June to early August. This is when the berries are fully ripe and abundant, offering the best picking experience.

2. Lingonberries:

Lingonberries are usually ready for picking towards the end of July and continue to be available until September. These tart red berries can be found in forests and wetlands throughout Finland, and are popular for making jams and sauces.

3. Blueberries:

Blueberries, also known as bilberries, are another highly sought-after berry in Finland. They start ripening in July and can be found in forests and even in residential areas with suitable vegetation. Blueberries are often used in baking, desserts, or simply enjoyed fresh.

4. Cloudberries:

Cloudberries are a delicacy in Finland and are typically found in marshlands and wet areas. They mature in early July and can be harvested until late August. These orange berries have a unique flavor and are often used in desserts, jams, and even in traditional Finnish dishes such as cloudberry cream or cloudberry soup.

5. Other Berries:

In addition to lingonberries, blueberries, and cloudberries, Finland is also home to various other berry species such as cranberries, raspberries, and blackberries. The timing and availability of these berries may vary slightly, but they generally ripen during the mid-summer period.

As you prepare for your journey, familiarize yourself with the specific entry requirements, including any necessary visas or documentation.

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