What are the dos and don'ts at a Maltese wedding?

Post ByAdequate Travel

Are you planning on attending a Maltese wedding? If so, it is important to know the dos and don'ts. In this blog post, we will give you an overview of the Maltese wedding etiquette so that you can make sure that you respect the customs of the Maltese people. Keep reading to learn more about Maltese wedding traditions and how you can best show your respect. Stay informed about any travel restrictions or travel rules in place, as they may vary depending on your destination within the country.

Dos at a Maltese Wedding:

1. Dress Appropriately: It is important to dress formally and modestly for a Maltese wedding. Men typically wear suits or tuxedos, while women wear elegant dresses or formal gowns.

2. Arrive on Time: Punctuality is highly valued in Maltese culture, so make sure to arrive on time for the wedding ceremony and reception.

3. Bring a Gift: It is customary to bring a gift for the newlyweds. This can range from monetary contributions to more personalized presents, such as household items or jewelry.

4. Participate in Traditions: There are various traditional customs during a Maltese wedding, such as the releasing of doves, throwing of rice, or dancing the Maltese Fidil. Participate and follow the lead of the couple and their families.

5. Congratulate the Bride and Groom: Extend your congratulations and well wishes to the newly married couple throughout the day. Typically, guests line up to greet and congratulate the couple after the ceremony.

Don'ts at a Maltese Wedding:

1. Wear White: Avoid wearing white attire to a Maltese wedding, as this color is traditionally reserved for the bride. Opt for other colors to show respect and avoid confusion.

2. Arrive Empty-Handed: It is considered impolite to attend a Maltese wedding without bringing any kind of gift. Show your appreciation for the couple by presenting a thoughtful present.

3. Cause Disruption or Disturbance: Maintain appropriate behavior throughout the wedding day. Avoid causing any disruption during the ceremony or reception, and be mindful of your actions and words.

4. Ignore the Dress Code: Pay attention to any specific dress code mentioned on the wedding invitation. This will guide your choice of attire and ensure you fit in with the overall style of the event.

5. Forget to RSVP: It is important to respond to the wedding invitation in a timely manner. Not RSVPing can cause difficulties for the couple when it comes to planning seating arrangements and catering.

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