Is it safe to hitchhike in Finland?

Post ByAdequate Travel

Hitching a ride or "hitchhiking" is a popular way to save on transportation costs when travelling abroad. In Finland, where the public transportation network is extensive, is hitchhiking safe? In this blog, we'll take a deep dive into the safety of hitchhiking in Finland and provide tips on how to safely navigate the roads. It's essential to stay updated with international travel information, especially when planning a foreign trip, to navigate any changes in travel advisory or travel warnings.

Is it safe to hitchhike in Finland?

Finland is generally considered a safe country for hitchhiking due to its low crime rate and well-functioning transportation system. However, it is important to consider a few factors before deciding to hitchhike in Finland:

1. Trustworthiness of the Driver:

Before getting into a car, it is essential to assess the trustworthiness of the driver. Use your judgment and consider factors such as their behavior, appearance, and communication skills. It's recommended to decline rides if you have any doubts about the driver.

2. Hitchhiking Spots:

Choose hitchhiking spots carefully. Look for areas with good visibility, allowing drivers to see you from a distance and stop safely. Avoid standing in hazardous places or on busy roads. It's advisable to use official hitchhiking spots or gas stations where drivers are more likely to stop.

3. Communication:

Effective communication with drivers is crucial. If language might be a barrier, it can be helpful to carry a sign indicating your destination or have a map to show where you want to be dropped off. It's also recommended to agree on the destination before getting into the car.

4. Weather Conditions and Time:

Consider weather conditions and the time of day when hitchhiking. During harsh weather or late at night, it might be more challenging to find rides. Plan accordingly, and have alternative transportation options if needed.

5. Inform Others:

Let someone know about your hitchhiking plans, including the estimated route, expected time of arrival, and details about the driver or car. This ensures someone is aware of your journey and can assist if any issues arise.


While hitchhiking in Finland is generally safe, it is always important to prioritize your personal safety. Here's an example of a situation where caution is necessary:

Imagine you are hitchhiking in a rural area of Finland and a car stops to offer you a ride. However, the driver appears intoxicated and behaves erratically. In this case, it is strongly advised to decline the ride and wait for a more suitable opportunity with a trustworthy driver.

While planning your trip, take note of any travel restrictions that may impact your itinerary, such as limited access to certain regions or attractions.

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