How cold does it get in Finland in the winter?

Post ByAdequate Travel

The winters in Finland can be especially harsh, with temperatures dipping below zero several times over the months of November to April. With snow and cold winds, Finland can be an unforgiving place in the winter months. In this blog, we will discuss how cold it really gets in Finland in the winter, as well as the average temperatures and best ways to cope with the extreme cold. Travellers can find valuable travel information for tourists, such as local customs, must-see attractions, and dining recommendations, to make the most of their trip.

Temperature in Finland in Winter

1. Average Winter Temperatures:

The average winter temperatures in Finland can range from -20°C to -6°C (-4°F to 21°F), depending on the region.

2. Arctic Conditions:

In the northernmost parts of Finland, particularly in Lapland, temperatures can drop even lower, reaching -30°C (-22°F) or below.

3. Variation Across the Country:

Temperatures can vary across different regions of Finland. The coastal areas generally experience milder winters compared to inland areas.

4. Influence of Baltic Sea:

The proximity to the Baltic Sea also affects the winter temperatures. Coastal areas can see temperatures slightly above freezing due to the moderating influence of the sea.

5. Wind Chill Factor:

In addition to low temperatures, Finland experiences cold winds during winter, resulting in a wind chill factor that can make it feel even colder than the actual temperature.

6. Subzero Period:

Finland experiences a prolonged subzero period during winter, often lasting several months. This means that freezing temperatures are the norm rather than exceptions.

7. Snowfall:

Finland receives a significant amount of snowfall during winter, contributing to the overall cold and wintery conditions.

8. Daylight Hours:

During the peak of winter, Finland experiences very short daylight hours. Some regions in the north may even have polar nights, where the sun does not rise above the horizon for several weeks.

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