Can I go fishing in Finland, and do I need a fishing permit?

Post ByAdequate Travel

Finnish waters are full of some of the best fishing out there, so you may be wondering if you can go fishing in Finland and if you need a fishing permit. In this blog, we'll go through the rules and regulations you need to abide by to ensure a safe and fun fishing experience. Stay informed about any travel restrictions or travel rules in place, as they may vary depending on your destination within the country.

Heading: Fishing in Finland

Yes, you can go fishing in Finland. However, you do need a fishing permit or a fishing license to legally fish in the country. The permit is required for both freshwater and saltwater fishing, as well as for ice fishing.


1. Freshwater Fishing:

If you plan to fish in lakes, rivers, or streams in Finland, you will need a Finnish fishing permit. These permits can be purchased online or from local fishing permit vendors.

2. Saltwater Fishing:

If you wish to fish in the Baltic Sea or any other coastal areas, you will also need a fishing permit. The permit can be obtained from the Finnish Border Guard or certain authorized vendors.

3. Ice Fishing:

During winter months, when the lakes are frozen, ice fishing is a popular activity in Finland. To legally participate in ice fishing, you will require an ice fishing permit, which can be obtained from local fishing permit vendors or authorities.

4. Different Types of Permits:

Finland offers various types of fishing permits, including daily, weekly, and annual permits. The prices and availability of permits may vary depending on the region and the type of fishing you wish to engage in.

5. Fishing Regulations:

It is essential to familiarize yourself with the fishing regulations in Finland as there may be restrictions on things like catch limits, fishing methods, and protected species. These regulations aim to ensure sustainable fishing practices and preserve the natural environment.

6. Fishing Permits for Visitors:

Visitors to Finland can obtain fishing permits, but it is important to check if your country of residence has a reciprocal fishing agreement with Finland. In some cases, visitors may be able to use their domestic fishing permits to fish in Finland.

Remember that fishing without a valid permit can result in fines or other penalties, so it is crucial to obtain the necessary permit and follow the fishing regulations while enjoying the experience of fishing in Finland.

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