Temple of Isis at Philae Island In Egypt: History,Facts, & Services

The Temple of Isis at Philae Island is one of the most intact monuments from ancient Egypt and the last site of active temple worship on the Nile. It is located near Aswan and was built in the late Ptolemaic period and dedicated to the goddess of health and fertility, Isis. The temple was submerged after the construction of the Aswan High Dam in the 1960s and has been conserved, moved and partially reconstructed to its once original state on an adjacent island. The history of the temple dates back to the 30th Dynasty when it was constructed as a tribute to the goddess Isis. Significant alterations to the temple were done by Ptolemy VIII and V who renovated the site and further dedicated it to their own family. The Temple of Isis contains 2 main courts and 2 enormous pylons that feature the gods Horus and Hathor along with images of the king and his queen. The courts contain a small temple dedicated to Isis along with a sanctuary, obelisk, and an island of offerings. There is a stairway that leads to the roof of the temple and is believed to have religious importance. Between the two courts is the Kiosk of Trajan, which was an offering from the Roman emperor Trajan in the 2nd century AD. Its interior walls are decorated with carvings of Trajan and the gods Isis, Osiris and Horus. Today, the temple is used as a place of worship, spiritual education and meditation. Visitors can take part in a range of different spiritual tours which are tailored to individual needs. A special offering is given each day which is used for charitable initiatives and alleviating poverty in the local area. There are guided tours available which explore the site's history and architectural features. The temple also offers special celebration days such as birthdays and other special occasions. Visitors can take part in workshops, lectures and ceremonies and partake in healing treatments such as massage, herbal remedies and candles.

Explore Egypt most popular tourist destination with us. Temple of Isis at Philae Island In Egypt: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Egypt main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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