Harvest House International Church In Zimbabwe: History,Facts, & Services


is traceable back to 1999, when Dr. David O. Gandhi and his wife Alice Gandhi (now residing in USA) pioneered the revival of the now popular church. Harvest House International Church was birthed in Waterfalls, Harare during a leadership training seminar with fourteen(14) members. It was then a resultant of a call to the nation and a focused emphasis to proclaim the liberating message of Jesus Christ, Transformation, Restoration and Revival. The Church has grown to have branches in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Their mission is to facilitate the transformation and restoration of individuals and communities by offering them relevant spiritual and practical tools to experience the abundant life of God. It is one of the best churches in Zimbabwe which you must visit.


Harvest House International Church (HHIC) is located in Harare, Zimbabwe and is pastored by Apostle Paul Mwanza. It was founded in 2000 by Bishop John and has since grown to become a leading international Pentecostal church, with over 15,000 members and numerous congregations throughout Zimbabwe. The church is widely known for its vibrant and passionate worship services, praise and prayer meetings, prophetic conferences, bible studies and outreach programs. The church follows a strong emphasis on entrepreneurship, working with diverse business partners to help eradicate poverty among the people of Zimbabwe. The church also focuses on issues such as leadership training, entrepreneur conferences, health and wellness workshops, financial literacy campaigns and marriage counseling. Harvest House International Church focuses on impacting the community and positively influencing the next generation of Zimbabweans. It has a strong commitment to equipping and empowering the next generation and their families to become life-long followers of Christ and achievers in their communities. To this end, the church organises various activities such as education facilities, vocational centres, library, and sports and recreational centres. Additionally, Harvest House International Church is actively involved in outreach programs, both locally and internationally. The church has sent missionaries to countries across the world and also provides humanitarian aid in times of need. Finally, Harvest House International Church is a strong advocate of reconciliation and peace and works alongside the government and other faith-based organisations to promote peace and unity among Zimbabweans. It hosts annual Peace Conferences and Interfaith Dialogues in Harare to raise awareness of the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation. Here are some facts about the Zimbabwe Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Zimbabwe


1. Sunday Worship: Harvest House International Church in Zimbabwe offers Sunday worship services, which usually last for at least two hours. During these services, listeners can expect a variety of worship music, prayers, and sermons. 2. Bible Studies: The church offers weekly Bible studies for a variety of age groups, as well as weekly topical Bible studies. 3. Baptisms: The church offers baptismal services for those who wish to be baptized according to biblical practice. 4. Leadership Training: The church offers leadership training and mentorship services, which are designed to help develop and equip church members for effective ministry in the church. 5. Missions: The church offers numerous missions and outreach opportunities which are designed to reach out to the local community and worldwide. 6. Counseling and Support: The church offers counseling and support services through its member-led and professionally-led counseling groups. 7. Children’s and Youth Programs: The church offers age-appropriate ministry events and programs designed specifically for children and youth. 8. Community Involvement: Through its outreach teams, Harvest House International Church encourages community involvement and seeks to make an impact in the areas which it serves. 9. Music Ministry: The church has an active music ministry, which provides music for Sunday worship services as well as other special events. This beautiful church in Zimbabwe has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Zimbabwe most popular tourist destination with us. Harvest House International Church In Zimbabwe: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Zimbabwe main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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", Harare. Zimbabwe

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