Greencroft Church of Christ In Zimbabwe: History,Facts, & Services


is not recorded or even known for the most. It began in August 2009 as a response to a hunger crisis in Zimbabwe. Hosted by the Zimbabwe Christian Alliance and Receiving Support from the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, Greencroft Church of Christ in Zimbabwe seek to meet the immediate needs of communities in need of relief via development programs and implementation of long term solutions to poverty alleviation. Greencroft Church of Christ in Zimbabwe works through partnerships with local organizations like Nyaradzo Funeral services, Zimbabwe AIDS Network, Project Hope Zimbabwe, 3C’s International, Church and Community Mobilization, Enhancing the Church and Unity Through Development (ECUT), and others to ensure that all projects are culturally appropriate and contextually-sensitive. Additionally, Greencroft Church of Christ in Zimbabwe works with the United Methodist Church and Church of England to provide support and funding in areas such as medical care, food distribution, spiritual counsel, and more. The Church is also actively involved in the rebuilding of the community after the 2008 political unrest in Zimbabwe. It is one of the best churches in Zimbabwe which you must visit.


1. The Greencroft Church of Christ (GCC) in Zimbabwe is an independent church affiliated with the International Churches of Christ. 2. It was founded in 2010 by Pastor Edmore Mombeshora who was a converted Christian from a squatter camp in Zimbabwe. 3. The church meets every Sunday at 11:00am in its newly completed building which has a capacity of 500 members. 4. As of today, the Sunday morning service averages 300 attendees. 5. GCC also offers additional services such as Sunday School, youth ministry, discipleship classes, leadership training, meal delivery, food bank, and various other life building activities. 6. The church is currently led by Pastor Waleed Munyanyi and his team of spiritual and lay leaders. 7. GCC currently supports 16 missionaries in Zimbabwe and is home to the Zimbabwe Bible College, welcoming students from around the world. 8. The church has made a strong impact in the community, providing help to those most vulnerable and actively advocating for peace and justice in Zimbabwe. Here are some facts about the Zimbabwe Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Zimbabwe


Greencroft Church of Christ in Zimbabwe offers a variety of services to its members and guests. The church’s primary services include: 1. Worship services – The church holds regular Sunday morning services as well as mid-week church services on Wednesdays. 2. Bible study classes – The church hosts regular Bible study classes on Wednesdays and Sundays. 3. Youth ministry – The church runs a number of programs to help and cater for the spiritual needs of its young people including weekend camps, regular small groups, and youth rallies. 4. Children’s ministry – Greencroft Church of Christ believes in providing a safe, fun, and nurturing environment for all its children. The church provides a range of activities for children of all ages, such as Sunday school, Bible clubs, and children’s choirs. 5. Social activities – The church holds regular social activities to foster fellowship and support among it members. 6. Missions – The church has a strong commitment to supporting missions and local outreach activities. It runs an annual mission trip and supports numerous initiatives of Christian mission organizations. This beautiful church in Zimbabwe has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Zimbabwe most popular tourist destination with us. Greencroft Church of Christ In Zimbabwe: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Zimbabwe main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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