Central Baptist Church Harare In Zimbabwe: History,Facts, & Services


is a congregation that began in 1973 and is part of the Baptist Union of Zimbabwe. The church is located in Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe, and is one of the largest churches in the region. The church is a moderate evangelical church with a diverse membership. The church has both national and international members. The church provides dynamic worship services, Bible studies, and fellowship activities for members of all ages. The church also supports outreach and mission work both in Zimbabwe and, through its international outreach, around the world. It is one of the best churches in Zimbabwe which you must visit.


1. Central Baptist Church Harare is located at 66 Enterprise Road, Harare, in Zimbabwe. 2. Central Baptist Church Harare is one of the largest churches in Zimbabwe and has a congregation of around 3,500. 3. The church is part of the Baptist Union of Zimbabwe. 4. Central Baptist Church Harare is a member of the International Conference of Reformed Churches. 5. The church provides a variety of ministries and services to its members. These include Sunday School, Discipleship Classes, Women's and Men's Ministries, Youth Ministries and more. 6. Central Baptist Church Harare is a place of preaching, teaching, and worship. 7. The church has outreach ministries and missions and also provides support to many organizations in the Harare area including, Jubilee Children’s Home, Ark Society, and Zimbabwe AIDS Network. 8. Central Baptist Church Harare has a vibrant and growing music program and has several choirs, praise and worship teams. 9. The Church hosts an annual mission camp for young people at Christmas. 10. Central Baptist Church Harare works in partnership with local and international churches to share the Gospel and reach the people of Zimbabwe. Here are some facts about the Zimbabwe Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Zimbabwe


1. Worship Services: Central Baptist Church Harare offers weekly services on Sunday morning, Sunday Evening, and Wednesday Evening. Services last approximately 75 minutes and feature Bible preaching, worship music, and special music from church choir and other special music groups. 2. Small Groups: Central Baptist Church Harare offers multiple small group ministries including Sunday School classes for all age groups, Home Groups, Pastor's Weekly Bible Study, Ladies Bible Study and Study Groups, and Men/Women's Bible Study and Study Groups. 3. Outreach Ministries: Central Baptist Church Harare engages in local and international outreach ministries. These include a range of programs such as feeding the hungry, helping the homeless, visiting nursing homes and prisons, providing meals for children in developing countries, and engaging in initiatives such as prayer walking. 4. Social Activities: Social activities facilitated by Central Baptist Church Harare include fellowship dinners, picnics, camping trips, holiday events, and various recreational activities. 5. Youth Programs: Central Baptist Church Harare offers multiple youth programs such as Youth Sunday School, Youth Choir, Bible Study Group, and Youth Camp. 6. Mission & Evangelism: Central Baptist Church Harare actively participates in missions and evangelism initiatives in Zimbabwe and in other countries. Missions trips are planned each year and involve evangelism and the provision of humanitarian aid to local communities. This beautiful church in Zimbabwe has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Zimbabwe most popular tourist destination with us. Central Baptist Church Harare In Zimbabwe: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Zimbabwe main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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