Evangelic Lutheran Church of Zimbabwe, Halisupi In Zimbabwe: History,Facts, & Services


is the history of the evangelical lutheran church of Zimbabwe which has been in existence for over 70 years and growing in size to serve communities across the country. The church works to preach the gospel of salvation and help improve education, healthcare and social responsibility amongst members, among other activities. It is part of the worldwide Lutheran Church and a member of the Zimbabwe Council of Churches. The church also provides pastoral care for its members, and they are known for their faith in Jesus Christ and in the teachings of the Bible. The church encourages its members to be active in the worship of God and in the proclamation of faith in Jesus Christ. The church believes that every person can be saved by the grace of God and anyone can earn salvation only through Jesus Christ. It also encourages its members to be involved in the social and economic development of their community. It is one of the best churches in Zimbabwe which you must visit.


The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Zimbabwe (ELCZ) is a member church of the Lutheran World Federation. It is a fairly new church, with the first Lutheran congregation in Zimbabwe established in 1912. The ELCZ is primarily in the rural parts of the country, and supports a range of health, education and development programs. Its activities are funded through membership contributions and donations from individuals and organizations. The ELCZ currently has a membership of around 75,000 people. The church is led by a bishop and seven suffragan bishops; there are additional bishoprics in the larger cities of Harare, Bulawayo, and Mutare. The ELCZ is headquartered in Harare, with its main campus located in the southern part of Halisupi in the Masvingo Province. Here are some facts about the Zimbabwe Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Zimbabwe


The Evangelic Lutheran Church of Zimbabwe, Halisupi offers a host of services to its members and their community. These services range from spiritual and emotional support, pastoral care, worship, education, community outreach, counselling, health care and social support. Spiritual and Emotional Support: The church provides spiritual and emotional support to members and their community through Bible teaching, prayer, pastoral counseling, and community outreach. Pastoral Care: The church offers pastoral care to its members and their community through prayer and support. The church's pastors provide spiritual and emotional guidance as well as life coaching and counseling to those in need. Worship: The church also offers weekly worship services at its premises. The services include hymns, readings, testimonies, and preaching. Education: The church provides educational services for its members and the community at large. These include seminars, workshops, and Bible classes. Community Outreach: The church actively works in its local community to help those in need. This includes providing food, clothing, and other necessary resources. Counselling: The church also offers counseling services to members and their community. Health Care: The church has established a mobile clinic that serves its community with basic medical treatment and advice. Social Support: The church provides a variety of social support services such as organizing community gatherings and supporting local charities and initiatives. This beautiful church in Zimbabwe has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Zimbabwe most popular tourist destination with us. Evangelic Lutheran Church of Zimbabwe, Halisupi In Zimbabwe: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Zimbabwe main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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