Hang Kenh Communal House - Hai Phong In Vietnam: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: Hang Kenh Communal House is an important cultural site located in Hai Phong City in Vietnam. It is a temple-like structure built in traditional Vietnamese style, and is decorated with intricate dragon patterns. It was originally erected by the Le dynasty in 1602 to honor the deity Hung Vuong, the legendary founder of the Vietnamese race. Hang Kenh (which literally translates to 'temple-shaped harbour') is a popular place for locals to gather and celebrate traditional festivals. Visitors can enjoy live music, traditional attire, and a unique atmosphere. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Vietnam
Prominent Features:

1. Ancestral Worship Hall: The Hang Kenh Communal House in Hai Phong has an ancestral worship hall where families come to worship their ancestors and celebrate special occasions. 2. Architecture: The long, curved roof of the communal house is flanked by two sets of curved columns and a diamond panel on each side. The ornate structure features intricate wood carvings, lacquered screens, and mosaic court yards. 3. Cultural Importance: Hang Kenh Communal House is an important part of the local culture and has been recognized as a National Cultural and Historical Site by the Vietnamese government. 4. Ceremonies: Hang Kenh Communal House is used for a variety of ceremonies, such as ancestor worship, wedding ceremonies, and festivals. 5. Altar: The main altar is located in the center of the house and is decorated with colorful flowers and offerings. This national monument of Vietnam portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Hang Kenh Communal House in Hai Phong, Vietnam is an ancient cultural heritage site that dates back to the 18th century. The building is located in the Dinh Tien Hoang Street of Hai Phong City, located in the northern part of the country. It was initially built in 1759 under the order of Nguyen Hue and was later renovated in 1843. The exterior of the building is made of red bricks and black tiles. The roof tiles on the top are painted with the royal motifs of “Dragon and Phoenix spreading their wings”. The structure is designed in a square shape with Tetris tiles representing the symbol of the sky and water. The main hall is the heart of the building, and its altar is filled with offerings to the deities of the land. On the east side of the temple, a two-story Nha Rong Pavilion stands and to the north is the Tri Viet Pavilion, which is an impressive two-story structure that houses a shrine to the Three Beatles. There are sculptures put together to create decor around the building. These include images of the four famous gods – Kim Hua (God of Wealth), Kim Quy (God of Prosperity), Lê Văn Duyên (God of War), and Công Tử (God of Longevity). The biggest and most important of these is the Ju-Long, or “the dragon of the North”. This sculpture is located in the center of the courtyard and is supposed to bring good luck to those who pray there. The Hang Kenh Communal House is considered to be an important cultural heritage site for the locals of Hai Phong. It has been recognized as a National Monument by the Vietnamese government and is still a popular spiritual destination for locals and foreign visitors alike. You must visit one of these historical places in Vietnam on your Vietnam tour

Interesting facts:

1. Hang Kenh Communal House is located in the Bai Chay area of the Hai Phong City in Vietnam. It is an important cultural and religious site of the locals. 2. The structure of the house is made up of 11 different components, including a main hall, four side chambers, an entrance gate, two side pavilions, and a bell tower. 3. Inside the main hall, the altar of the communal house is ornately decorated with engraved Buddhas and inscribed poems. 4. Hang Kenh was originally built in 1687 and it was reconstructed many times throughout its centuries of existence. 5. The main altar is dedicated to the important figure of Hung Vuong, who is believed to be the first king of Vietnam. 6. The communal house is a popular tourist spot for locals and visitors alike, offering a insight into the ancient history and culture of Vietnam. 7. The complex is said to be inscribed with the Vietnamese provincial seal, a reminder of the importance placed on the site throughout history. 8. Hang Kenh Communal House also holds some Go seasonal festivals, which serve as an opportunity for locals to come together and commemorate the local customs and beliefs. Visit one of the famous monuments of Vietnam with your friends and family.

Explore Vietnam most popular tourist destination with us. Hang Kenh Communal House - Hai Phong In Vietnam: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Vietnam main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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