Cortile della Pigna (Pinecone Courtyard) In Vatican-City: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Cortile della Pigna is a courtyard located in the Vatican City. It is named after the giant bronze pinecone sculpture located at its center. It is a popular gathering place for tourists and locals alike to admire the piece, the Baroque architecture of the adjacent buildings, and the panoramic views over Saint Peter’s Square. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Vatican-City
Prominent Features:

The Cortile della Pigna or Pinecone Courtyard is a beautiful feature of the Vatican City located in the world’s most famous square, the St. Peter’s Square. This courtyard features a monumental bronze pinecone sculpture which is set atop a fountain and surrounded by a large portico. It is believed to be a symbol of fertility and growth. The sculpture was originally commissioned by Pope Innocent VIII to celebrate the 1492 Jubilee. The fountain is a classical design consisting of three steps of basins, with each higher basin put on top of the lower one. The bronze pinecone was moved from its original location in the Basilica of St. Peter to this courtyard during the 17th century. After careful renovation, the courtyard was opened to public in 1988. This national monument of Vatican-City portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Cortile della Pigna (Pinecone Courtyard) is a courtyard within the Vatican-City located among the Vatican Museums. Its name is derived from a large bronze sculpture of a pinecone located in the center of the courtyard. The courtyard and pinecone sculpture have a long and fascinating history that is rich in religious and cultural symbolism. The site of the Cortile della Pigna was originally occupied by a statuary courtyard, which was reminiscent of a shell-shaped circus, located at the very center of the ancient city of Rome. It was first recorded in the 6th century and was initially used for a variety of religious festivals. Over time, it began to become associated with the body of St. Peter, as it was believed to stand where the saint had been martyred. Consequently, it became the location of a shrine that was dedicated to St. Peter, which was built in the 11th century. In the 15th century, Pope Nicholas V decided to transform the site into a courtyard. He commissioned the renowned architect and sculptor, Andrea Bregno, to construct an elegant pinecone sculpture made of metal and bronze to stand as the focal point of the courtyard. The pinecone was a fitting choice, as it had long signified fertility and immortality. Eventually, the Cortile della Pigna was enclosed with high walls and niches to display a variety of sculptures and monuments. Today, the Cortile della Pigna continues to remain an important part of Vatican City. It retains its rich symbolism and remains an integral part of the spiritual and architectural landscape of the city. You must visit one of these historical places in Vatican-City on your Vatican-City tour

Interesting facts:

1. Cortile della Pigna is located in the Vatican City, within the Vatican Museums. It is one of the most important and visited courtyards of the Vatican Museums. 2. “Cortile della Pigna” literally means “Courtyard of the Pinecone” which gives the name to its 13-meters tall bronze pinecone statue located in the center of the courtyard. 3. The statue was discovered in the late 1400s when the Bramante’s Tribulations were being built in the area that is now the pinecone courtyard. 4. This courtyard featured in a famous painting by Giotto di Bondone, Madonna adoring the Infant Jesus. The painting was later finished by Fra Angelico and was placed in the Sistine Chapel. 5. The statue is said to be over 2,000 years old and it is believed to have been brought to the Vatican in the 5th century from Egypt as a gift from King Constantin IV. 6. The statue is often mistaken as a fountain due to the bronze vases and pipes located around it. 7. It is believed that the Pinecone Statue was either a replica of the Temple of Isis or it was an element of a much larger ancient fountain. 8. The Courtyard also plays host to a number of marble statues, including the Griffonesque “Dama dei supplizi”, a female figure being punished with arrows. 9. The space around the courtyard is flanked by two symmetrical wings with frescoed lunettes along the top of the walls. 10. This space has became a popular filming location and was featured in films such as Angels and Demons and the Vatican Museums 3D movie. Visit one of the famous monuments of Vatican-City with your friends and family.

Explore Vatican-City most popular tourist destination with us. Cortile della Pigna (Pinecone Courtyard) In Vatican-City: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Vatican-City main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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