La Honda Mennonite Fellowship In Mexico: History,Facts, & Services

La Honda Mennonite Fellowship is a small group of Mennonites who have been living in La Honda, California since the mid-1990s. They strive to live a simple, rural lifestyle and maintain their historic, Anabaptist beliefs and practice. History The La Honda Mennonite Fellowship was started by a small group of Mennonites from Canada in 1995. They were seeking a simpler, more rural lifestyle and sought out land in the small town of La Honda. They purchased a large section of land with money from local businesses and donations from their families and since then have grown to roughly 130 families and 300 people. Facts The La Honda Mennonite Fellowship is one of the few Mennonite groups in California. Members of the fellowship live in 3 distinct wards and share a common love for their rural and agrarian lifestyle. Members of the fellowship tend to dress modestly and may work in various trades such as carpentry, furniture making, and farming. Services The La Honda Mennonite Fellowship offers various programs and services including a weekly worship service, a community garden, Bible study, and a weekly potluck. They also have a youth program to help teach younger members of the fellowship their historic beliefs and spiritual practices. The La Honda Mennonite Fellowship is very involved in local affairs and participates in various community events in La Honda.

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