Free Weslyan Church In Tonga: History,Facts, & Services

Free Weslyan Church In Tonga is a denomination of the Wesleyan Church which has its roots in the Methodist mission to Tonga in the 1850s. The Church serves most of Tonga’s population, including urban and rural dwellers. It has grown to become one of the largest churches in Tonga, with a total of 112 churches across the country. History The Wesleyan Church was established in Tonga in 1854 by Wesleyan Methodist missionaries sent by the British and Foreign Bible Society. The Church grew steadily, with its members forming their own churches and schools by 1860. The Free Weslyan Church of Tonga was established in 1963 and is part of the Free Wesleyan Church of Fiji and Tonga, a branch of the Wesleyan Church. The Church has grown and now serves more than 175,000 members within 112 churches across Tonga. Facts - The Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga is one of the largest churches in Tonga, with more than 175,000 members and 112 churches. - The Church champions the Koe Ekalesiai, a Tongan practice of collaboration within the Church. - The Church works closely with the Mele Polotu, an institution which promotes traditional music from Tonga. - The Church is also a strong supporter of Tonga’s national language, Tongan. Services The Free Weslyan Church of Tonga provides a range of religious services and activities. These include weekly church services, Bible study, counseling, outreach programmes, missionary activities, vocational training, health services and financial advice. Additionally, the Church also runs kindergartens and primary schools, and holds regular educational seminars and conferences.

Explore Tonga most popular tourist destination with us. Free Weslyan Church In Tonga: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Tonga main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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'Vava'u' Tonga

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