Paroisse catholique d'Agbandi In Togo: History,Facts, & Services

Paroisse catholique d'Agbandi In Togo is a Catholic parish located in the Agbandi-Vogan region in the south of Togo. It was founded in 1895 by the French Missionaries, who organized and set up the first Catholic mission in the area. Today, the parish serves the local Christian and non-Christian population in the area. Services offered include educational and religious activities, as well as social and health assistance. The parish also encourages local citizens to take an active role in their community’s development by holding workshops and seminars on peace, justice, and democracy. It provides support for the poor in the region by helping them access basic services, such as education and health care. The parish also organizes social activities, such as visiting hospitals, orphanages, and old homes. Additionally, the parish sponsors sports tournaments and community development programs. Moreover, the parish promotes cultural activities and dialogue between Christian and non-Christian groups, as well as inter-religious harmony.

Explore Togo most popular tourist destination with us. Paroisse catholique d'Agbandi In Togo: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Togo main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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