Holy Trinity Salvation Church In Sierra-Leone: History,Facts, & Services

Holy Trinity Salvation Church In Sierra-Leone is a Pentecostal church located in the Eastern Province of Sierra Leone. It is part of the Evangelical Church in West Africa, and is one of the most popular churches in the region. The main denomination of the church is the Presbyterian Church in Sierra Leone. The History of Holy Trinity Salvation Church dates back to the early twentieth century. It is believed that a missionary from the Methodist Church, named Reverend Edward S. Skinner, founded the Church in 1917. He was responsible for constructing the original edifice and was also instrumental in the establishment and growth of the Church. Holy Trinity Salvation Church is noted for its ability to bring together different religious affiliations in peace and harmony. It is also known for providing quality medical services to the needy and taking up missions in both Sierra Leone and Africa. The Church services include Sunday worship, Bible study, youth activities and pastoral care services. They also provide pre-marriage and marriage counseling, and HIV/AIDS support programs. The Church also offers various prayer meetings, study and worship activities, dynamic music, and many other social activities. Additionally, the church provides educational programs, community development projects, and Christian youth development projects.

Explore Sierra-Leone most popular tourist destination with us. Holy Trinity Salvation Church In Sierra-Leone: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Sierra-Leone main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Freetown Sierra-Leone

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