Flaming Bible Church Williams Street In Sierra-Leone: History,Facts, & Services

Flaming Bible Church Williams Street In Sierra-Leone It is one of the best churches in Sierra-Leone which you must visit.


Flaming Bible Church Williams Street was started in 1965 in Sierra Leone by a group of missionaries. The Church was built on a location chosen by God and was used to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ and the word of God. By providing a place for worship, the Church provided an escape from the everyday struggles of those who lived in the area. Through the Church's outreach activities, many Sierra Leoneans have grown spiritually and been empowered to make positive contributions to their communities. Flaming Bible Church Williams Street In Sierra-Leone This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Sierra-Leone.


Here are some facts about the Flaming Bible Church Williams Street In Sierra-Leone: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Sierra-Leone
* The Church was founded in 1965 and is still in operation today. * The Church offers a range of services from Sunday School, Bible studies, retreats, prayer meetings, and outreach programs in Sierra Leone. * The Church also provides medical, educational, and general support to its large congregation. Flaming Bible Church Williams Street In Sierra-Leone

* Sunday School: Sunday school is offered as an opportunity for followers to learn about the Bible, worship God, and build community. * Bible Studies: Bible studies are offered to further deepen understanding of the Word of God. * Retreats: Retreats are held throughout the year to provide a more intensive study of Scripture. * Prayer Meetings: Prayer meetings provide an opportunity for followers of the Church to come together and pray. * Outreach Programs: The Church holds various outreach programs to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ and provide support to those in need.This beautiful church in Sierra-Leone has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Sierra-Leone most popular tourist destination with us. Flaming Bible Church Williams Street In Sierra-Leone: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Sierra-Leone main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Sierra Leone Sierra-Leone

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