Oban Free Presbyterian Church Of Scotland In Scotland: History,Facts, & Services

The Oban Free Presbyterian Church Of Scotland In Scotland is a congregation of the Free Church of Scotland that was established in 1871. The congregation is located in the town of Oban, in the West Coast of Scotland. The current minister is Rev. James Blyth who has served since 2017. The church adheres to the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Calvinistic doctrine of the Protestant Reformation. It is one of the few Free Presbyterian congregations outside of Northern Ireland. History The Oban Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland was established in 1871 as a result of a dispute in 1834 between Presbyterians in Scotland and the Established Church of Scotland. The Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland broke away from the Established Church of Scotland over matters of doctrine, practices, and liturgical forms. The church experienced extensive growth during the 20th century as more and more people turned away from the Established Church of Scotland. Facts The Oban Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland is a congregation of the Free Church of Scotland, which is one of the country's most conservative religious denominations. Though the church holds to the Westminster Confession of Faith, it is not officially considered to be evangelical in its theology. The church is renowned for its conservative views on gender roles and sexuality. Services The Oban Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland offers a variety of services to its congregation. Weekly worship services are held, including a Sunday morning service, small group meetings, a mid-week supper event, lectures, bible study, crisis counseling, and special events. Additionally, the church hosts a variety of community events, including outreach activities, soup kitchens, game nights, meals, and other special occasions.

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