Peace Chapel Christian Fellowship In Samoa: History,Facts, & Services


states the church was founded in 1985, by Rev. William Brown. It is a non-denominational Bible church that preaches the Word of God and evangelizes in the Apia area. The church is currently pastored by Pastor Timo Palema and has grown over the years through the dedication of its members, staff and volunteers. The church believes in a trinitarian Godhead, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and seeks to spread the message of salvation and spiritual growth through the daily living of Christ-like lives. It encourages its members to actively be involved in outreach and evangelism activities, training in Biblical studies and praying for those in need of spiritual help.Peace Chapel Christian Fellowship aims to equip and develop its members in their daily walk with God, strengthening their faith and Christian character. The church holds regular meetings for prayer and Bible study, which are led by the Pastor and other members of the church. It also facilitates weekly youth programs and special occasions such as conventions and revivals. As part of its outreach efforts, Peace Chapel regularly sends volunteers overseas to Africa, Asia, Europe and the United States, helping to spread the name of Christ. It is one of the best churches in Samoa which you must visit.


1. Peace Chapel Christian Fellowship is located in Samoa, an independent Samoan island nation in the South Pacific. 2. The fellowship was founded in 2003 by Pastor Malelieli Tupou. 3. The church has a strong commitment to bring the community of Samoa together in love and unity, and to serve those in need. 4. It is a thriving and growing fellowship with over 300 members from various denominations and walks of life. 5. Services are held every Sunday with a special mid-week Bible study every Tuesday. 6. The church is committed to prayer, spiritual growth and service to the community, while also maintaining a strong Christian focus. 7. They are strongly committed to evangelism and missions, and are active participants in global Christian organizations such as World Vision and Free The Slaves. 8. Peace Chapel is committed to teaching the Word of God with an emphasis on practical application. 9. The fellowship also organizes various community outreach programs such as medical clinics, summer camps, and musical and visual arts classes. Here are some facts about the Samoa Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Samoa


Peace Chapel Christian Fellowship In Samoa offers a range of services to fulfil its commitment to “honor God with our whole being and to love and serve others.” These services include: • Traditional Christian Worship: A weekly traditional Christian service that includes sermon, congregational singing and communion. • Bible Study: A weekly Bible study held that helps people grow in their faith and understanding of the Bible. • Outreach & Missions: Providing worship services and other assistance to neighbouring congregations, as well as mission trips to other countries to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. • Community Outreach: Serving the local community with various volunteer projects, offering food assistance and assisting with special needs. • Christian Education: Through workshops, seminars and retreats designed to teach and equip believers with knowledge of God’s word and christian responsibilities. • Fellowship Groups: Through activities such as potluck dinners, prayer meetings, and prayer opportunities. • Bible Translation: Working with local translators to publish and distribute Bibles in the Samoan language for those who cannot read other languages. • Special Needs Ministry: Assisting special needs individuals to be included in the community and provide support for their families. This beautiful church in Samoa has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Samoa most popular tourist destination with us. Peace Chapel Christian Fellowship In Samoa: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Samoa main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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