Dennery Church Of God 7th Day In Saint Lucia: History,Facts, & Services

Dennery Church Of God 7th Day is a Seventh-Day Adventist church located in Dennery, Saint Lucia. Founded in 1915, the church is affiliated with the Church of God 7th Day General Conference and has a membership of approximately 1,200 members. History The Dennery Church of God 7th Day was established in 1915 by Elder T. A. James and a group of 12 members. Originally an offshoot of the Church of God of Prophecy, they proclaimed the Sabbath as the only day of rest. At the time, the church had no assigned pastor, but initially was served by visiting ministers. In 1921, Elder R. I. Williams became the first pastor to the Dennery Church of God 7th Day. He served for eight years, followed by Elder L. B. Brown, who served for four years. In 1934, Elder Paul Elliott began his pastorate in Dennery, and during this period, the church moved from their old location to Dennery Proper. In 1941, the church was officially incorporated into the Church of God 7th Day organization. By 1945, membership had grown and the church added a new porch, as well as a baptistry and a balcony. Facts • Dennery Church of God 7th Day is an independent, Pentecostal denomination located in Dennery, Saint Lucia. • The church is affiliated with the Church of God 7th Day General Conference and has a membership of approximately 1,200 members. • The Dennery Church of God 7th Day was founded in 1915 by Elder T. A. James and a group of 12 members. • In 1921, Elder R. I. Williams became the first pastor to the Dennery Church of God 7th Day. • In 1941, the church was officially incorporated into the Church of God 7th Day organization and has been affiliated with them ever since. Services The Dennery Church of God 7th Day offers worship services on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, as well as Bible study meetings, missionary activities, youth activities, a Bible College for pre-requisite theology training and a children's church. They also run a food pantry that provides food to those in need.

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  1. City:

    Saint Lucia

  2. state:

    Dennery, St. Lucia

  3. country:

    Saint Lucia

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Dennery, St. Lucia Saint Lucia

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