Discover - Waterwork Eur Rome - Fact, History and Travel Information

Waterwork Eur Rome is an historic Roman water delivery system that dates back to the 3rd century BCE. The system is part of an ancient Roman aqueduct, which is the most extensive and well-preserved archaeological monument of its kind.

Waterwork Eur Rome is a collection of aqueducts, underground channels, and well-preserved hydraulic structures. It is a crucial part of Ancient Rome’s engineering history. Almost all of the aqueducts have been wholly or partially restored and several have been renovated for decorative and educational purposes. Today, Waterworks Eur Rome offers a unique view into Rome's past and a rare opportunity for tourists and students of engineering to explore the city's unique engineering feats.

• Waterworks Eur Rome is made up of 11 aqueducts which supplied nearly a quarter of the water needs of ancient Rome. • The aqueducts had a total pipeline length of about 272 kilometers, stretching from a variety of sources outside the city. • The system was constructed by the Roman emperor Claudius and completed at the end of the 1st century CE. • The aqueducts ran along elevated and underground channels that were built using a combination of stone and brick. • In the 19th century, parts of the aqueduct system were renovated as part of Rome's modern sewage network.

The Waterworks Eur Rome was commissioned by Emperor Claudius in order to supply the growing city of Rome with water. The network was designed and constructed by a variety of engineers and hydraulic experts who, over the course of the 1st century CE, collected water from the sources outside of the city, channeled it through aqueducts, and then finally distributed it to the citizens of Rome. The system was so successful that it provided Rome with an ample supply of water for over seven centuries until the fall of Rome in 476 CE. Over time, several of the aqueducts fell into disrepair or were destroyed by military conquests. In the 19th century, parts of the aqueducts were restored and renovated to fit into Rome's modern sewage network. Today, the Waterworks Eur Rome represents one of the most extensive and well-preserved archaeological monuments of its kind.

Visitors to Rome can experience the historic beauty of Waterworks Eur Rome firsthand by exploring its 11 aqueducts. The main aqueducts are located near the Vatican and the Colosseum, while additional aqueducts can be found in other parts of the city. Those who are interested in learning more about the history and engineering of the system can also visit the Aqua Traiana Museum, which is dedicated to the aqueducts of Rome and the technologies used to create them.

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