Discover - parco archeologico del Colosseo - Foro romano e Palatino - Fact, History and Travel Information

Parco Archeologico del Colosseo – Foro Romano e Palatino is an archaeological park located in the area around the Colosseum, the Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill in Rome, Italy. This area of nearly 2000 years of history gathers a large complex of monuments, works of art and other remains of the Roman Empire. It is one of the most visited awe-inspiring archaeological sites in the world, and a remarkable one at that. The Parco Archeologico del Colosseo includes the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the Palatine Hill; together they form the Archaeological Park. This park offers a comprehensive view of the Roman civilization and covers a timeline of approximately 2000 years. Visitors can explore each of the three sites with their own unique charm and unique historical background. The Colosseum is one of the most iconic sites in the Roman Empire, symbolizing the grandeur and magnificence of its conquering power. It was built in 80 AD and is most famous for its gladiatorial combat, although it hosted many other events such as celebrations, plays and animal hunts. It is now surrounded by lush vegetation and protected from further destruction by the special protective coverings it is under. The Roman Forum, Palatine Hill and Colosseum were the centres of Rome's political life, and so their remains provide a wealth of evidence about the republic, empire and its daily life. Here one could find the remains of many temples, public buildings, residential houses and even of the famous Curia Julia. The Forum and Palatine Hill, however, serve not only as archaeological sites, but also as an area of exceptional beauty. The Parco Archeologico del Colosseo is also home to many educational and cultural activities. Here you can find guided tours, workshops and educational activities, such as "The Tour of Ancient Rome", and "Behind the Scenes at the Colosseum". There are also temporary exhibitions and events held throughout the year, along with periodical manifestations such as the "Festa Romana", held here every year. At the Parco Archeologico del Colosseo, you can discover the Roman history in its full glory and get an idea of how the Roman people lived hundreds of years ago. It offers an exceptional opportunity to experience both the archaeological and cultural aspects of the mighty Roman Empire.

Explore Rome most popular tourist destination with us. Discover - parco archeologico del Colosseo - Foro romano e Palatino - Fact, History and Travel Information,which is 1.31 km away from Rome main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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