Discover - Gladiator School Rome - Fact, History and Travel Information

Gladiator School Rome

Gladiator School Rome, also known as a ludus, was a place where gladiators were trained and equipped. Located outside the boundaries of Rome, the gladiator school played an important part in Roman society and was part of the entertainment industry of Rome. Leather and metal armor, weapons, exercise and diet regimes, and performance management were some of the main focuses of the school. Gladiator School Rome

-Gladiator schools existed since the days of Ancient Greece, but Roman gladiators were the most famous ones. -Most Roman gladiators were slaves, captives of war, condemned criminals, or free volunteers. -A few of the gladiators earned great wealth, fame, and social standing. -Gladiator schools were very expensive to maintain, as it cost a lot of money to train and equip the gladiators. Gladiator School Rome

The earliest gladiators in Rome appeared in 264 BC, as part of funeral games for a nobleman. Gladiatorial games were a part of Roman culture since then, taking place in amphitheaters. The gladiator schools were established to train and equip the gladiators with the skills, strength and weapons necessary to compete in the games. Gladiator School Rome

Visiting the Gladiator School Rome is an incredible experience. The most complete and impressive example of these schools is the one found in Pompeii. It has been carefully reconstructed, and is open to visitors. Some other ancient ludi can be found in Rome as well. They also hold workshops, allowing visitors to experience a part of what it would have been like for a student at the school.

Explore Rome most popular tourist destination with us. Discover - Gladiator School Rome - Fact, History and Travel Information,which is 3.69 km away from Rome main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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