The International Church of Bucharest In Romania: History,Facts, & Services


is an international, interdenominational and multi-cultural church located in Bucharest, Romania. It was established in 1994 as a response to the growing needs of the international community in Bucharest. The church offers worship services, teaching and counseling services, small groups and activities for children, youth and adults. It serves a diverse membership that includes both Romanians and foreigners from more than 20 countries. The church is committed to helping individuals discover and grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and to disciple them in becoming more like Him. It is one of the best churches in Romania which you must visit.


1. The International Church of Bucharest is an inter-denominational Christian church located in Bucharest, Romania. 2. The church was founded in 1991 in order to provide a safe and friendly environment for worshippers from all over the world. 3. It is a growing congregation, and offers weekly services, Bible studies, and fellowships where people can come together to study God's word and encourage one another. T 4. The International Church uses English as its main language, and also occasionally offers services in German, French, and Romanian. 5. It also hosts conferences, seminars, and workshops on various topics, such as family life and spiritual growth. 6. The church also participates in international mission trips where volunteers can share the gospel with others in other countries. 7. The International Church of Bucharest is part of the World-Wide Communion of Charismatic Churches and one of the largest churches in Romania. 8. The church also has several affiliated ministries, such as EEL (Encouragement to Evangelize in Romania), a ministry which helps people in Romania learn about the gospel. Here are some facts about the Romania Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Romania


1. Worship Services: The International Church of Bucharest offers weekly worship services that include times of Bible study, fellowship, musical worship, and prayer. 2. Counseling: The International Church of Bucharest offers counseling services and workshops, as well as host seminars and retreats for families and individuals. 3. Outreach: The International Church of Bucharest has numerous outreach and mission opportunities inside and outside Romania. These include feeding the homeless, visiting nursing homes, participating in children's events, and more. 4. Social Events: The International Church of Bucharest hosts various social events throughout the year, such as movie nights, game nights, barbecues, and more. 5. Education: The International Church of Bucharest offers educational classes and study groups to help equip people in their discipleship and knowledge of God, as well as trainings for church leaders and those who would like to be involved in a leadership role. This beautiful church in Romania has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Romania most popular tourist destination with us. The International Church of Bucharest In Romania: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Romania main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Bucharest Romania

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