Romanian Evangelical Church In Romania: History,Facts, & Services


The Romanian Evangelical Church (REC) emerged in the early 19th century as part of the Evangelical movement initiated by the first Lutheran- and Reformed-influenced churches in Romania. The Evangelical revival in Romania had its beginnings around 1840, with the foundation of the first German-speaking Lutheran churches founded by the Greizer and Schwarzeneggian families. The number of churches increased gradually; by the end of the 19th century there were roughly 200 Evangelical church members in Romania. The REC gained formal recognition and legal rights in 1900, with the promulgation of the Denominations and Legal Rights Law, which declared “Evangelical churches to be legal and respected by the State”. In 1912, the leaders of Lutheran, Reformed and Unitarian churches declared themselves as members of the REC in a unified Church Constitution. Under the oppressive Communist regime in Romania, which lasted until 1989, religious freedom was severely limited, and many churches were forced to close. In 1960 the Protestant denominations in Romania united in a single administrative unit, known as the Unified Protestant Church in Romania. This Church structure remained in place until the early 1990s, when the Romanian government reversed its antipathy to religion and gave back to the evangelical churches their freedom to practice as they chose. In 1991 the Romanian Evangelical Alliance was founded to serve as the legal representative of a newly formed REC. Today, there are some 1,000 churches in the REC. The churches are grouped into five regional Unions and fifteen district Synods. The REC is therefore characterized by strong local and regional autonomy while maintaining a unified role at the national level. It is one of the best churches in Romania which you must visit.


1. Romania has around 4 million people who belong to the Romanian Evangelical Church, making it the second-largest denomination in the country after the Romanian Orthodox Church. 2. The Romanian Evangelical Church was officially established in 972 A.D. 3. The Church was suppressed by the Communist government of Romania during the late 1940s and early 1950s, but it regained its freedom of worship in 1989. 4. The Romanian Evangelical Church is part of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and is in full communion with the Lutheran World Federation, the Baptist World Alliance, and the World Council of Churches. 5. The Church is divided into two synods: The Romanian Evangelical Union of Churches and the Synod of the Romanian Lutheran Church. 6. The Church operates a number of schools, seminaries, universities and theological faculties that provide an education to thousands of students throughout Romania. 7. The Romanian Evangelical Church also operates several hospitals, clinics and relief organisations throughout the country. 8. The Church plays an important role in the ecumenical movement, and is a member of the World Council of Churches, the Conference of European Churches, and the International Council of Churches. 9. The Church is a strong advocate for religious freedom in Romania, and has joined with other churches and denominations to promote a spirit of understanding and peace. Here are some facts about the Romania Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Romania


The Romanian Evangelical Church in Romania (RES) is a conservative, Confessional Evangelical denomination with a strong presence in the country. It serves a rapidly growing, diverse and vibrant Christian population. Its mission is to bring the eternal hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people in Romania and around the world. Some of the services offered by the RES: 1. Worship: The RES provides weekly Sunday worship services, as well as services for special occasions. 2. Education: The church offers a variety of educational opportunities, including Bible study groups, Sunday school classes, seminars and retreats. 3. Outreach: The church is actively involved in evangelism and outreach activities within the Romanian community, providing assistance to the needy and promoting Christian values. 4. Missions: The RES is active in international missions, sending missionaries to share the Gospel and bring spiritual and material aid to people in need. 5. Conferences and Events: The church holds regular conferences and events, such as seminars, retreats, and conferences. These provide a platform for fellowship and worship, as well as opportunities for members to learn more about the Gospel. 6. Social and Charitable Services: The church provides various forms of assistance to those in need and encourages its members to serve their local communities. It also provides educational opportunities and financial assistance to orphans and elderly people. This beautiful church in Romania has made a lot of significance in the past.

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