Evangelical Reformed Parish, Warsaw In Poland: History,Facts, & Services


is a Christian church located in Warsaw that traces its roots back to the Reformation period. Founded in 1667, the parish is a part of the Reformed Church of Poland, which is itself part of the Reformed (Calvinist) branch of Protestantism. The parish's mission is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and to bring people into a personal relationship with Him. Worship services are conducted in both English and Polish. The parish also offers a variety of activities for both adults and children, such as Bible studies, youth programs, and educational seminars. It is one of the best churches in Poland which you must visit.


1. The Evangelical Reformed Parish, Warsaw was founded in 1551. 2. The church was originally located in Castle Square, and then moved to its current location on Grzybowska Street in 1872. 3. The church is part of the Reformed Church in Poland, an affiliated church of the World Communion of Reformed Churches. 4. The church underwent restoration in the 1960s and was modernized in the early 2000s. 5. The church hosts several services, including a weekly Bible study, youth group, and Sunday services in both Polish and English. 6. The church is known for its contribution to the Polish Reformation and its commitment to social justice. 7. The church is involved in charity projects, and provides support for refugees and other marginalized individuals in Warsaw. Here are some facts about the Poland Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Poland


1. Worship Services: The Evangelical Reformed Parish in Warsaw offers weekly worship services for its members and guests. Services include special music, Scripture readings, sermons, prayers, and communion. These are usually held on Sunday mornings in the church, with occasional special services in the evenings. 2. Christian Education: The parish provides pastoral care for members of all ages through teaching programs, vacation Bible schools, Sunday school, and other age-appropriate activities. The church also runs a Christian school with classes in religion, history, language, and other subjects in line with its Reformed theology. 3. Outreach Programs: This church has an active commitment to social and community involvement, and sponsors a range of outreach programs to help those in need in the local area. These can include practical help such as food distribution, clothing drives and health initiatives, as well as support for families and personal counselling. 4. Youth Groups: As well as being committed to supporting the entire family in its Christian faith, the church also seeks to promote the spiritual growth of its young people. It provides separate youth groups for teenagers and children, each offering specific age-appropriate activities. 5. Bible Studies: Bible studies and small groups are also a popular feature for both adults and younger members. These offer a unique opportunity to discuss and grow in faith in a safe and engaging environment. 6. Social Events: The church appreciates the value of fellowship in addition to studying the Bible. As a result, it regularly organizes social events for members of all ages, ranging from dinners to family activities. This beautiful church in Poland has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Poland most popular tourist destination with us. Evangelical Reformed Parish, Warsaw In Poland: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Poland main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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