Church of John of God, Warsaw In Poland: History,Facts, & Services


is a Roman Catholic church located in the Wola borough of Warsaw, Poland. It is one of the oldest places of worship in the city. The church was built in 1659 by the Jesuits and is currently home to an important pilgrimage destination. The church is named after John of God, a Portuguese priest who founded the Brothers Hospitallers of Saint John of God, a religious order dedicated to helping the sick and poor. The Warsaw church is part of this order, and has been an active place of worship ever since its foundation in 1659. The main altar is dedicated to John of God, and the dedication of the church was held on October 11, 1660. The church is known for its pivotal role in the Polish Resistance during World War II. In 1943, General Tadeusz Bór-Komorowski of the Polish Home Army organized a secret radio station in the basement of the church, which was used to broadcast resistance messages to other parts of Poland. The station eventually became known as Radio Liverpool. The church also served as a refuge for soldiers and civilians during the Warsaw Uprising. It is one of the best churches in Poland which you must visit.


1. The Church of John of God is a religious congregation and Catholic church located in Warsaw, Poland. 2. The church was founded by the Servant of God, Brother Peter Kowalewicz (1899-1952), who built it with the patronage and support of then-Archbishop of Warsaw Stefan Wyszyński. 3. The Church of John of God is a center of spiritual renewal and evangelization among young people in the Warsaw area. 4. It currently provides services to Catholics and non-Catholics alike, including religious formation, an extensive library, a choir, evening classes and a youth group. 5. Each year, the Church of John of God hosts a variety of special services and celebrations, such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and feast days. 6. The congregation is dedicated to the "John of God" devotion, which is based upon Saint John of the Cross and it offers spiritual direction, retreats and other spiritual services, thereby enabling its members to draw closer to God. 7. The Church is well known for its warm atmosphere, a place of prayer and friendship where all are welcome. 8. In 2010, Pope Benedict XVI visited the Church of John of God, Warsaw, and celebrated Mass there during his three-day pilgrimage to Poland. Here are some facts about the Poland Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Poland


The Church of John of God in Warsaw, Poland, offers a variety of services to its parishioners. Community services include regular Mass and confession, Holy Communion, funeral services, spiritual counseling, and youth ministry. Additional services include spiritual direction, sacramental preparation, retreats, and pilgrimages. The church also holds social events such as dances and potlucks. Additionally, they offer a food pantry that provides assistance to families in need. Finally, the church provides support to various charity groups and social initiatives. This beautiful church in Poland has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Poland most popular tourist destination with us. Church of John of God, Warsaw In Poland: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Poland main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Warsaw Poland

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