Nuestra Señora de Patrocinio Church (Boljoon Church) In Philippines: History,Facts, & Services

Nuestra Señora de Patrocinio Church (Boljoon Church) located in the town of Boljoon, province of Cebu, Philippines, is one of the oldest surviving churches in the country. Known as the “Jewel of the South”, it was constructed in the mid-18th century, and is a testament to the artistic and architectural skills of Filipino masons and craftsmen during the Spanish era. It is best known for its unique and distinctive façade, where floral motifs are embedded on the walls, as well as its unique bell tower that has a late Baroque style. Inside the church, one can find a rich collection of religious artifacts, such as old sculptures, paintings, and altars. Aside from its historical and religious significance, the church is also recognized for its community-building efforts, for putting up projects that help the people of Boljoon, particularly in terms of education, health, and social welfare.

Explore Philippines most popular tourist destination with us. Nuestra Señora de Patrocinio Church (Boljoon Church) In Philippines: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Philippines main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Cebu Philippines

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