Parroquia Centro Juvenil Don Bosco In Nicaragua: History,Facts, & Services

Parroquia Centro Juvenil Don Bosco In Nicaragua is a non-profit organization that is part of the Catholic Church and was founded in 2002 to provide educational, recreational, and religious services to the youth of Nicaragua. The organization works to provide an atmosphere of growth and opportunity for these young people and works to build relationships and bring education, spiritual growth, and resources into their lives. It works to promote self-sufficiency, enthusiasm, and enthusiasm through an array of activities ranging from traditional Catholic teaching to Catechism classes. It also provides recreational activities such as soccer tournaments and music workshops, which engage individuals and bring them closer to one another. The organization also works to provide financial resources such as micro-loans for those interested in starting a business. Lastly, it works to create programs which aid in the sustainable development of the community.

Explore Nicaragua most popular tourist destination with us. Parroquia Centro Juvenil Don Bosco In Nicaragua: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Nicaragua main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Managua Nicaragua

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