IGLESIA SION DEL SANTO DE ISRAEL NICARAGUA In Nicaragua: History,Facts, & Services

IGLESIA SION DEL SANTO DE ISRAEL NICARAGUA is an evangelical Christian church operating in Nicaragua. It was founded in 2001 by Pastor Julio Baez as a non-denominational church with a commitment to serve the community by promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ. The church has grown exponentially since its inception and now has a presence in multiple major cities throughout Nicaragua, holding regular Sunday services and providing various assistance programs to its congregants. Its mission is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching and teaching, and to create a spiritual home for those seeking hope and comfort. In Nicaragua, the church has developed various outreach programs and ultimately, hopes to become a respected institution in the region. Through its social works, it is making a dedicated effort to serve the people of Nicaragua with a spiritual, moral, and social approach. In its mission to care for the least, sending medical teams to care for the sick, giving food rations to the hungry, establishing shelters for homeless people, and supporting local faith-based organizations that provide for the needy. The church also has a focus on children and seeks to provide them with a healthy spiritual foundation through its Sunday School program. Each week, a team of teachers and volunteers trains the children with biblical truths, prayers, and activities that help them learn the Scriptures. They also organize camps, seminars, and retreats for the young people of Nicaragua to increase their knowledge and commitment to Christ. IGLESIA SION DEL SANTO DE ISRAEL NICARAGUA is on the forefront of evangelism in Nicaragua, striving to reach out to the underserved in the nation. Through its various outreach projects, it is spreading the gospel and the hope of Jesus Christ and giving an opportunity for Nicaraguans to receive the blessings of His love and grace.

Explore Nicaragua most popular tourist destination with us. IGLESIA SION DEL SANTO DE ISRAEL NICARAGUA In Nicaragua: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Nicaragua main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    , the Iglesia Sion del Santo de Israel is located in Managua.

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, the Iglesia Sion del Santo de Israel is located in Managua. Nicaragua

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