Iglesia Cristiana Gracia y Gloria Nicaragua In Nicaragua: History,Facts, & Services
Iglesia Cristiana Gracia y Gloria Nicaragua In Nicaragua is a growing church located in Managua, Nicaragua. This church is comprised of around 700 congregants from different cultural, economic, and ethnic backgrounds. Their mission is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people regardless of their backgrounds. They hold regular services and activities on Sundays, Thursdays, and small group meetings. Iglesia Cristiana Gracia y Gloria Nicaragua In Nicaragua also runs a variety of ministries such as feeding programs, outreach ministries, and children's ministry activities. They offer Bible study classes and have weekly youth ministries. They also hold special retreats and activities for members. In addition to these services, they have a music ministry providing worshipful music sessions as part of the services. Iglesia Cristiana Gracia y Gloria Nicaragua In Nicaragua is also actively involved in local and global missions. They have missions trips and projects to serve and help underprivileged people in nearby communities.
Explore Nicaragua most popular tourist destination with us. Iglesia Cristiana Gracia y Gloria Nicaragua In Nicaragua: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Nicaragua main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.
, the Iglesia Cristiana Gracia y Gloria is located in Managua.
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, the Iglesia Cristiana Gracia y Gloria is located in Managua. Nicaragua