Apóstoles de la Palabra Nicaragua In Nicaragua: History,Facts, & Services
Apóstoles de la Palabra Nicaragua is a Christian ministry that was born as a result of volunteers and missionary efforts to share the gospel and spread the Word of God throughout Nicaragua. The ministry serves both the believers and un-believers in the country. We do this by travelling to different places to preach, teaching, and helping people with their physical, social and spiritual needs. The ministry is dedicated to helping those most in need and has set up several projects to serve the people of Nicaragua. We focus on bringing hope, love and compassion to the Nicaraguan people. Additionally, we have several workshops and seminars that cover topics such as Bible studies, leadership, and spiritual growth. We also provide material support to those in need through food, clothing and medicine donations. We believe in the power of prayer and that through it great things can be accomplished. Our goal is to serve the Nicaraguan people and to help them to become a strong and united community through the Word of God.
Explore Nicaragua most popular tourist destination with us. Apóstoles de la Palabra Nicaragua In Nicaragua: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Nicaragua main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.
, Apóstoles de la Palabra is located in Managua.
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, Apóstoles de la Palabra is located in Managua. Nicaragua