ENYUMUKO CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE In Namibia: History,Facts, & Services

ENYUMUKO CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE is a Christian congregation of the Church of the Nazarene, a global Protestant denomination. It is located in Kano State, Nigeria and was founded in 1946, making it one of the oldest Church of the Nazarene churches in Africa. It serves the ENYUMUKO group, a group of multi-ethnic people who are at the crossroads of Hausa and Fulani cultures. The church is an active member of the Nigerian National Church of the Nazarene and is also part of the West-Central Africa field of the denomination. The church offers services, ministries, and events in multiple languages and cultures including Hausa, Fulfude, English, and Yoruba. The church contains several ministries including the Sunday School and Discipleship Ministry, the Women’s Ministry, Men’s Ministry, and Youth and Young Adult Ministry, and Music Ministry. Weekly services are held in English, with special holiday services in several other languages. The church also holds various events throughout the year including conferences, seminars, and retreats. The church activities are open to all, regardless of age or ethnicity. Besides providing spiritual guidance, the church also offers community development initiatives, humanitarian services, and educational services to the surrounding communities.

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