Elim Vineyard Christian Fellowship In Namibia: History,Facts, & Services

Elim Vineyard Christian Fellowship is a Christian denomination and a movement of churches in the United Kingdom and Ireland that is part of the larger Vineyard movement. It was formally launched in 1991 and has grown rapidly at local, national and international levels. It is an evangelical, charismatic and missional denomination that believes in the contemporary working of the Holy Spirit. History The Elim movement has its roots in the Methodist and Holiness movements of the 19th century. The Vineyard movement was started in 1974 in California by pastor and theologian John Wimber, whose teaching and ministry were heavily influenced by the teachings of the Charismatic movement. The Elim movement in Britain and Ireland was officially established in 1991 by pastor Glyn Barrett who, with a group of 25 people, initiated Elim Christian Centre in London. Facts • The Elim movement is composed of more than 700 congregations across the UK and Ireland. • The purpose of the Elim movement is to "strengthen the church, reach the lost and renew the nations". • Elim Baptist Churches are recognized for their leadership in worshipping with contemporary music, taking advantage of new technology in media and encouraging openness to new expressions of worship and Christian spirituality. • Elim Christian Centre, the first Elim church, is based in London's Southwark district. Services The Elim movement provides a variety of services to its congregations and their members, including a marriage concierge service and counselling, mentoring and prayer. It also provides resources and teaching materials, as well as hosting a range of conferences, seminars and events. The movement seeks to engage with the local, national and international communities, providing practical aid and sharing the Gospel message.

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