Mastaba of Mereruka In Egypt: History,Facts, & Services
The Mastaba of Mereruka is a funerary monument located at the Saqqara necropolis, located in the northwest corner of the Pyramid of Djoser, in Egypt. It is comprised of multiple chambers including a serdab (or secluded room) that contained the statue of Mereruka, a court official for King Djoser who served under the Fifth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom. It is thought to have been built in the 24th century BCE and is one of the oldest known structures built in a monumental style. The Mastaba of Mereruka is considered to be the largest and most lavishly decorated non-royal tomb in Egypt. It features a variety of artwork and hieroglyphic inscriptions that provide insight into ancient Egyptian culture and beliefs. It also features some of the earliest surviving structural elements such as a pillared hall, which demonstrate the evolution of architectural styles. The Mastaba of Mereruka was excavated in the late 19th century and its remains are now preserved as part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Memphis Necropolis.
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