Iglesia Ortodoxa de la Santisima Trinidad In Peru: History,Facts, & Services


dates back to around 1951, when the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) opened a mission in Peru to bring the Orthodox Faith to the country. This mission was established by the first resident priest sent from ROC, Archimandrite Alexander (Bazilevsky). He was followed by several priests who served for many years, until 2017 when the current resident priest, Reverend Father Artemios, was sent. The parish has grown since then and now includes five churches: Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción (Lima); Parroquia de San Antonio de Padua (Trujillo); Parroquia del Santo Niño (Piura); Parroquia de San Jorge (Arequipa) and Parroquia de la Santísima Trinidad (Chiclayo). The mission has grown to include various ministries, such as an Orthodox Bookshop, a missionary team, and a choir. The mission works in cooperation with other Orthodox churches, including the Greek, Romanian, and Russian Orthodox churches, to serve the spiritual needs of the local Orthodox faithful. It is one of the best churches in Peru which you must visit.


1. The Iglesia Ortodoxa de la Santisima Trinidad (Holy Trinity Orthodox Church) is one of the few Eastern Orthodox churches in Peru. 2. Located in Lima, the church is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church's Diocese of Sourozh in Santiago, Chile. 3. The parish was established in 2002 by the Most Reverend Archbishop Mark (Arndt) of Berlin, Germany, having the name of Holy Trinity Church. 4. The parish serves a wide array of people. Most of them are Peruvians, but there are also people of Russian, Greek, Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian, and other Orthodox backgrounds. 5. The parish is served by Archpriest Andrey Bondarenko, originally from Belarus, who has been the parish priest since August 2007. 6. The Orthodox Faith is still relatively unknown in Peru and the church constantly strives to spread and strengthen the faith of Orthodoxy. 7. The church is actively engaged in charity work, serving those who are afflicted by poverty and other social problems. 8. The parish also publishes books and other materials about Orthodoxy and runs the website of the parish. 9. Regular services are held in Spanish and Russian and the Church celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2011. Here are some facts about the Peru Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Peru


Iglesia Ortodoxa de la Santísima Trinidad is an Orthodox Christian church located in Lima, Peru. The church offers a range of services such as: 1. Divine Liturgy: The Divine Liturgy takes place every Sunday and is presided by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima. It consists of the singing of hymns, readings from sacred texts, the Eucharistic celebration, and the procession. 2. Catechism: Catechism sessions are held for children between the ages of two and sixteen years old to educate them about Orthodoxy and the Orthodox Church. 3. Bible Study: Bible study groups are offered for adults on a weekly basis to learn the Scriptures and apply them to daily life. 4. Outreach Programs: The church participates in various outreach programs, such as visiting prisoners, volunteering at orphanages, and providing humanitarian aid. 5. Pastoral Care: The church offers pastoral care to those in need, such as baptisms, weddings, funerals, and counseling. 6. Charitable Works: The church is involved in several charitable works, such as providing food for the needy, clothing for the poor, and medical relief. This beautiful church in Peru has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Peru most popular tourist destination with us. Iglesia Ortodoxa de la Santisima Trinidad In Peru: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Peru main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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