Synodam-Paritany Avaratry Mania Antsirabe In Madagascar: History,Facts, & Services

Synodam-Paritany Avaratry Mania Antsirabe in Madagascar is an organization founded by the evangelical church Synodam-Paritany of Madagascar in 2009. It seeks to bring social and economic development to the people of the city of Antsirabe, which is located in the Central Highlands region of Madagascar. Its mission is to provide access to health and education services, promote economic development, and support the cultural identity of the people of Antsirabe and surrounding villages. The organization has collaborated with numerous local partners to develop and implement programs geared towards improving the lives of the local population in areas such as education, healthcare and economic development. It has also provided support in many areas such as orphan care, youth employment, and HIV/AIDS awareness.

Explore Madagascar most popular tourist destination with us. Synodam-Paritany Avaratry Mania Antsirabe In Madagascar: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Madagascar main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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