Pumpėnai Church of Saint Mary's Scapular In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services

The Pumpėnai Church of Saint Mary's Scapular is an Orthodox church located in the village of Pumpėnai, Lithuania. The church was founded in the 17th century and is affiliated with the Russian Orthodox Autocephalous Church. Services in the church are held in both Church Slavonic and Lithuanian. The church is made up of two domes and two smaller bell towers. The interior is decorated with icons, frescoes, and silver filigree. The entrance is through a door flanked by two large 19th-century icons. The church also houses a museum of religious artifacts,including old books, liturgical relics, and vestments. The church has been a popular pilgrimage spot for Lithuanians for centuries and it is still visited today by both locals and tourists.

Explore Lithuania most popular tourist destination with us. Pumpėnai Church of Saint Mary's Scapular In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Lithuania main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Pumpėnai Lithuania

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