Kacergiskes Sv. Jono krikstytojo baznycia In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services

Kacergiskes Sv. Jono krikstytojo baznycia is an ancient church located in the outskirts of Ignalina in Lithuania. It is an important part of Lithuanian history as the first bishop of the nation was consecrated here in 1527. The church has a baroque style and it was built in 1606 by the noble family of Popiel using stones from a nearby castle. Inside the church, visitors will find a number of paintings depicting religious scenes, as well as holy objects used in the church’s services. The church also houses an organ that was used to accompany singing during Mass, as well as organ-playing competitions. The Kacergiskes Sv. Jono baznycia also serves as a memorial to Pope John Paul II, who once visited the church in 1999 during his first papal visit to Lithuania. The church is now a cultural heritage site and it is open to visitors for worship services and special occasions.

Explore Lithuania most popular tourist destination with us. Kacergiskes Sv. Jono krikstytojo baznycia In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Lithuania main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Kacergiskes Lithuania

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